Why is snow white in color?

2 minute read

Why is snow white in color?

Generally, there are two types of snow. One is the one that collects water by machines and sells it in the market. And the other is that which falls in the form of snow or rain in cold places. Both types of ice are frozen forms of water. The ice sold in the market has no color. It looks transparent, but the color of snow falling on mountains and cold places is white. 

Do you know why it is white in color?

Why is snow white in color?

Snowflakes falling in mountains and cold regions are made up of many small crystals. These gems are hexagonal. These gems have many surfaces. When the rays of light fall on these crystals of ice, they get reflected from their different faces. Due to this reflection of light, the color of these snowflakes appears white. All snow crystals have six ends.
Why is snow white in color?

The ice sold in the market is just a frozen form of water. It does not have any crystalline structure. The light falling on it passes through. Therefore it is transparent to a great extent.

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