Why is April 1st called 'Fools Day'?

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Why is April 1st called 'Fools Day'?

Why is April 1st called 'Fools Day'?

Some traditions are all over the world. Customs and holidays are such, the origin of which is very difficult to trace. We only follow these customs or traditions but do not know the reason for their origin. April 1st is considered a 'False Day' in almost all countries. On this day people enjoy their friends and neighbors by giving very funny jokes, foolish acts, and deceiving gifts. 

Do you know why the 1st of April is considered a 'False Day'?

Why is April 1st called 'Fools Day'?
The process of celebrating April 1st as 'False Day' and laughing with the people started in France after 1564. The story of the beginning of this tradition is very interesting.
Earlier, such a calendar was prevalent in almost all the countries of Europe, in which every new year started on the 1st of April. In those days, on the first day of April, people used to celebrate the first day of the new year in the same way as we celebrate it on January 1st. On this day people used to give each other New Year's gifts, send best wishes and go to meet each other's house. In 1564, King Charles IX in France ordered the adoption of a new improved calendar. In this new calendar, like today, January 1 was considered as the first day of the year. Most of the people adopted this new calendar, but there were some people who refused to adopt the new calendar. Instead of considering January as the new day of the year, they used to consider April 1st as the new day of the year. Considering such people as fools, the people who adopted the new calendar started giving strange jokes and false gifts on the first day of April. Since then, people have started considering April 1st as a 'False Day'. Today's people have forgotten these old things, but still celebrate 'Fool's Day' on 1st April.

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