Why don't oil and water mix?

2 minute read

Why don't oil and water mix?

Why don't oil and water mix

We know that substances like salt and sugar dissolve in water, but substances like oil and ghee do not dissolve in water. Do you know why this happens?
According to scientific rules, the same substances dissolve in each other whose molecules have almost the same structure. The structure of water molecules is polar. Therefore, only those substances will dissolve in it, whose molecules will have a polar or ionic structure. The structure of salt molecules is ionic. Therefore they dissolve in water. Similarly, the structure of the molecules of milk and water is also similar. So they also mix with each other.

The structure of oil molecules is different from the structure of water molecules. That's why they don't meet each other. Oil molecules are much larger than water molecules. Those substances do not dissolve in water, whose molecules have covalent bonds in their structure. Oil molecules float in water because the force of attraction between water and oil molecules is less than that of oil molecules. Therefore, oil floats in water in the form of small droplets and does not dissolve in water.

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