Dhammachakra Pravartana Day is celebrated by International Buddhist Confederation on 3rd July

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Dhammachakra Pravartana Day is celebrated by International Buddhist Confederation on 3rd July

Dhammachakra Pravartana Day is celebrated by International Buddhist Confederation on 3rd July

 Under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, International Buddhist Confederation - I.B.C. On 3rd July 2023, National Museum, Janpath, New Delhi celebrated Ashadh Purnima as Dhammachakra Pravartan Diwas.
 It is also known as Esala Poya in Sri Lanka and Asanha Bucha in Thailand. In this program, 12th Shamgon Kenting Tai Situpa gave a special address on the importance of Ashad Purnima.

 It was in Sarnath that Buddha gave his first sermon and set the wheel of Dharma in motion. This IBC is the annual major event of Buddhism and the second major sacrificial day for Buddhists after Buddha Purnima or Vaishakh Purnima.

 This program was broadcast in Lumbini-Nepal by I.B.C. Special project of “India International Center for Buddhist Culture and Heritage”. Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of this center in Lumbini, Nepal on the occasion of Buddha Purnima last year.
 The IBC was launched in the year 2011 and was formally registered on 2 November 2012 as a 10-member provisional governing

Dhammachakra Enlightenment Day

 The day marks the Buddha's first teaching after attaining enlightenment to the first five ascetic disciples (the Panchavargiyas) on the Poornima of Ashada at Shishipatan
Mrigadaya, the 'deer park' in present-day Sarnath near Varanasi, India.
 The rainy season sabbatical (Varsha vasa) for monks and nuns also begins on this day which lasts for three lunar months from July to October, during which they remain in one place, usually devoting their lives to intense meditation. In the temples.

International Plastic Bag Free Day 2023 - 3rd July

 International Plastic Bag Free Day is observed every year on the 3rd of July to raise awareness about the harmful effects of disposable plastic bags on the environment. In 2008, Zero Waste Europe launched a campaign to target the issue of single-use plastic bags, which took place on 3 July.

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 World Sports Journalists Day is observed across the world on 2 July every year. World Sports Journalists Day was established in 1994 by the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) to mark the establishment of AIPS as an organization on 2 July, which coincides with the Summer Olympics in Paris. AIPS was established in 1924. Its headquarter is in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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