US Supreme Court Rejects President Biden's 'student loan forgiveness' Proposal

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US Supreme Court Rejects President Biden's 'student loan forgiveness' Proposal

US Supreme Court Rejects President Biden's 'student loan forgiveness' Proposal

 Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John G. Roberts Jr. has rejected President Joe Biden's plan for $400 billion in 'student loan forgiveness'. would be one of the costliest executive actions in US history.
 In the Supreme Court, three judges were in favor of the scheme while six judges were against it. According to government data, more than 45 million people nationwide owe $1.6 trillion in federal loans for college.

 The Biden administration said its plan was to address the coronavirus pandemic and its long-lasting effects and was authorized by the Higher Education Relief Opportunity for Students Act of 2003, commonly referred to as the Heroes Act.
 Six Republican-led states -- Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas and South Carolina -- and two individuals filed suit to block the new plan.
 A day earlier, the Supreme Court had disallowed caste-based admissions in colleges. The Supreme Court directed two US universities, including Harvard, to stop race-based admissions.

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