According to the UNESCAP report, India is the top nation in the effort to facilitate digital trade worldwide

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According to the UNESCAP report, India is the top nation in the effort to facilitate digital trade worldwide

According to the UNESCAP report, India is the top nation in the effort to facilitate digital trade worldwide

 According to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UNESCAP) report 'Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade', India has become the leading country in the effort to provide trade facilitation, leaving behind 140 countries. In the survey, 60 types of facilities were evaluated, on the basis of which the report was issued.

 After the growth rate of the economy, India has now gone ahead in the effort to provide digital and sustainable business facilities. India is the best-performing country in the South Asia region, with an overall score higher than many developed countries including Canada, France, UK, and Germany.


 In the survey conducted for the year 2023, India got 93.55 percent marks. In the year 2021, India got 90.32 percent marks in this survey of UNESCO.

 The country has achieved a perfect score of 100 percent in four key areas: transparency, formalities, institutional arrangements and cooperation, and paperless trade.
 India got 66.7 percent marks in 2021 for the 'Women in Business Facilitation' component, which increased to 77.8 percent in the year 2023. This indicates a commitment towards increasing gender equality and empowerment of women in the business sector.

 These remarkable scores have been achieved through initiatives such as streamlining trade procedures, enhancing transparency, Single Window Interface for Trade Facilitation (SWIFT), pre-arrival data processing, e-Sanchit, Integrated Border Management, etc.

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