Dell and Intel to set up 'AI Skills Lab' in Telangana, India

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Dell and Intel to set up 'AI Skills Lab' in Telangana, India

Dell and Intel to set up 'AI Skills Lab' in Telangana, India

 Dell Technologies and Intel have joined hands to set up an artificial intelligence (AI) lab at the Lord's Institute of Engineering and Technology in Telangana.
 The partnership aims to bridge the digital skills gap and empower students by integrating Intel's 'AI for Youth program into their curriculum. The initiative seeks to prepare students for the industry with the expertise required for the job market of the future.

 The program focuses on building capabilities among selected faculty through training provided by Intel with 170+ hours of AI curriculum aimed at coaching students through boot camps, AI-thons, and virtual showcases.

AI Skills Lab

 The partnership aims to build an AI-ready ecosystem on campus by setting up an AI skills lab and enabling students to create social impact solutions. The lab is powered by a Dell Optiplex to enable students to run projects in computer vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP), OpenVino, and Intel's Neural Compute Stick 2.

 This collaboration with Lord's Institute will lead to the development of innovative projects based on NLP, computer vision and statistical data analytics that will have a real-time impact on society.

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