UNICEF India made Kareena Kapoor its brand ambassador


Kareena Kapoor Named National Ambassador for UNICEF India

UNICEF India has announced that Kareena Kapoor, one of Bollywood's most prominent actors, will serve as its new National Ambassador. The announcement was met with widespread enthusiasm across India, as Kareena Kapoor is known for her star power and commitment to humanitarian causes. Her new role aligns with UNICEF India's mission to advance the rights of every child in the country.

UNICEF India made Kareena Kapoor its brand ambassador
UNICEF India made Kareena Kapoor its brand ambassador

Kareena Kapoor Joins UNICEF's Mission

Kareena Kapoor has been associated with UNICEF India since 2014, initially serving as a celebrity advocate. Her dedication to the cause has been evident throughout the years, and her new role as a National Ambassador solidifies her commitment to promoting the organization's values. As a National Ambassador, Kareena will work closely with UNICEF India to support various campaigns and initiatives aimed at improving children's health, education, and gender equality.

Priyanka Chopra Welcomes Kareena Kapoor to UNICEF Family

Former UNICEF India National Ambassador Priyanka Chopra welcomed Kareena Kapoor to the UNICEF family through her Instagram Stories. Chopra, who served in the role for ten years before joining the Global Goodwill Ambassador team in December 2016, expressed her excitement and wished Kapoor success in her new position. This public endorsement by Priyanka Chopra underscores the significance of Kareena's appointment and hints at the collaborative spirit within the UNICEF community.

Kareena Kapoor's Role and Responsibilities

As the new National Ambassador, Kareena Kapoor will be instrumental in promoting UNICEF India's goals, focusing on early childhood development, health, education, and gender equality. She will lend her voice and influence to raise awareness about the critical issues facing children in India. Kapoor's involvement will also include participating in public events, social media campaigns, and fundraising efforts to support UNICEF's mission.

UNICEF India: A Brief History

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946. Originally known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, UNICEF's primary objective was to provide food and healthcare in emergency situations to children and mothers in countries devastated by World War II. Since then, UNICEF has expanded its reach to cover a wide range of children's needs globally.

UNICEF has been honored with numerous awards for its humanitarian work, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965, the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize in 1989, and the Prince of Asturias Award in 2006. These accolades reflect the organization's enduring commitment to children's welfare and its significant impact on improving lives.

Other Recent Appointments by UNICEF India

Before Kareena Kapoor's appointment, UNICEF India announced Ayushmann Khurrana as its National Ambassador on February 18, 2023. Khurrana, a celebrated Bollywood actor and singer, has been actively involved in promoting various social causes, making him a natural fit for UNICEF's mission.

These appointments highlight UNICEF India's strategy to engage high-profile individuals with a strong public presence. By bringing in well-known ambassadors, UNICEF India aims to amplify its message and attract greater public support for its campaigns.

The Impact of Celebrity Ambassadors on UNICEF India's Mission

The involvement of celebrities like Kareena Kapoor and Ayushmann Khurrana has the potential to significantly impact UNICEF India's outreach efforts. Celebrity ambassadors can draw attention to important issues and encourage their followers to engage with UNICEF's initiatives. This increased visibility often leads to greater participation in events, more donations, and a broader reach for the organization's message.

As a National Ambassador, Kareena Kapoor's influence will likely contribute to a more profound understanding of UNICEF's work among the Indian public. Her role in promoting early childhood development, health, education, and gender equality aligns with UNICEF India's broader goals and sets the stage for impactful change in the years to come.


Kareena Kapoor's appointment as UNICEF India's National Ambassador is a significant milestone for the organization. Her star power and dedication to humanitarian causes are expected to bolster UNICEF's efforts to support children across India. With the support of other celebrity ambassadors and a strong commitment from UNICEF, the future looks promising for advancing children's rights in India.nd ambassador
 Kareena Kapoor has been
announced by UNICEF India as its
new National Ambassador.
Priyanka Chopra welcomed
Kareena Kapoor to the UNICEF
family on her Instagram Stories.
Priyanka served as the National
Ambassador for UNICEF India for 10
years before joining the Global
Goodwill Ambassador team in
December 2016.
 Kareena, who has been associated
with UNICEF India since 2014, will
support the non-profit organization
in advancing every child's right to
early childhood development,
health, education and gender
equality, a press release said. She
previously worked as a celebrity
advocate for UNICEF India.
 Earlier, UNICEF India appointed
Ayushmann Khurrana as National
Ambassador on 18 February 2023.
 The United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) was created by the United
Nations General Assembly on
December 11, 1946. It was formerly
known as the United Nations
International Children's Emergency
 Polish physician Ludwik Roschman
played a major role in forming
 The main objective of creating it
was to provide food and health
care in emergency situations to
children and mothers in the
countries devastated by World War
 UNICEF received the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1965, Indira Gandhi Peace
Prize in 1989 and the Prince of
Asturias Award in 2006.

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