How do you get sulfur from the earth ?

2 minute read

How do you get sulfur from the earth?

How do you get sulfur from the earth ?
Sulfur is a very useful non-metal of yellow color. It is available in solid state. It does not dissolve in water but dissolves in carbon disulfide. It melts at 119°C. It is available in many forms. Its main forms are rhombic sulfur, monoclinic sulfur, and plastic sulfur. There are many layers inside its ground. It is available in large quantities in America.
The way to get sulfur from the ground was discovered by a scientist named Frasch. In this method, where there is sulfur in the ground, three pipes are buried there. All three pipes, one inside the other, are stuck. In the outer pipe, superheated water heated to 170 ° C is sent and hot air is sent to the innermost pipe. The heat of the water melts the sulfur and the air pressure causes the molten sulfur to rise above the ground through the middle pipe. It is collected in large wooden utensils. The sulfur extracted by this method is 99.5% pure.
How do you get sulfur from the earth ?
Mostly used in making sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is of great industrial importance. From this wood pulp, many chemicals, colors, and medicines are made. Sulfur is also used in the manufacture of gunpowder. Sulfur is also a very useful substance in the match industry.

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