Why is thirteen considered inauspicious ?

3 minute read

Why is thirteen considered inauspicious?

Considering thirteen as inauspicious is a superstition. This is such a number, which is considered inauspicious in almost all the countries of the world. Some hotels do not have a 13th floor. There is directly from the 12th floor to the 14th floor. gets started. In some hospitals, there is no bed number thirteen. In India, when someone dies, thirteen Brahmins are fed food on the thirteenth day. In this way people consider thirteen to be inauspicious in some form or the other.

Why is thirteen considered inauspicious ?
There are many proverbs about thirteen being considered inauspicious. It is said that there were thirteen people at Christ's last feast, including one Christ himself and 12 his disciples. After this Christ was put to an end. Since then thirteen was considered inauspicious.
Another legend is based on Greek superstition. It is said that Valhalla Banquet invited 12 deities. At the same feast, a devil named Loki entered forcibly. Thus the total number became thirteen. The result was that his favorite god Balder was killed. Thus thirteen came to be considered inauspicious.
Why is thirteen considered inauspicious ?
Some people are of the view that when a man learned to count, he could only know numbers up to twelve with ten fingers and two feet. He had no knowledge beyond this. Thus the number thirteen ahead of twelve scared him. Since then thirteen was considered inauspicious.

Whatever the reason why thirteen is considered inauspicious, people consider this number to be inauspicious. There is no fact in this belief. No number is auspicious or inauspicious, all numbers are the same and their meaning is only by counting. Thinking about good and bad in numbers is just a hoax, just a superstition.

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