How were the continents born on Earth ?

2 minute read
How were the continents born on Earth ?

The whole world is divided into seven continents. These continents are Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. Do you know how these continents were born? In 1912, Alfred Wegener presented a theory about the birth of the continents, it is called Continental Drift Theory. According to this theory, about 250 million years ago, a huge piece of land emerged from the submerged earth and named it Pangaca by Bagner. About 65 million years ago this piece of land broke into two parts. The names of these two pieces were, Laurasia and Gondwanaland, these two pieces kept sobbing separately in each other. Today's North America and the islands called Eurasia were formed from a piece called Laurasia. South America, Africa, Australia and Atakotka were born from Gondwanaland. Thus today's continents were formed from Losia and Gondwanaland.
 If these continents of today are joined together, they can take the form of a huge piece of land. This proves the truth of the Continental Drift Theory. Even according to the latest research, these continents of today are slipping apart from each other.

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