Why did the Roman civilization collapse ?

3 minute read
Why did the Roman civilization collapse ?

There was a time, when the empire of Rome was very spread. England, France, Belgium, Netherlands,. A. Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, some part of Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Syria, Arabia, Algeria, Morocco were all under the Roman Empire. The center of Rome was Italy. Rome's law, literature, science and architecture had its imprint on the whole world.
After taking over a large part of the world, important changes took place in the lives of the people of Rome. At this time the society of Rome was divided into four parts. The people of the big family had zamindaris, and they were appointed to high positions, in the second class were the rich merchants and moneylenders. These people were engaged in wet luxury. The third class consisted of small farmers and residents of cities. Many of them had no work. There were slaves in the fourth class, who used to do all the work.
Agriculture and industry could not prosper by the work of the slaves, because all their production went to the zamindars. So he was not interested in working. The population of the cities was getting lazy. Corruption started spreading due to political struggle. In those days Christianity started spreading in Rome. The Christian religion, the ideal of equality and love, was very much liked by the oppressed class of Rome. Constantine was the first emperor. Which in the fourth century gave Christians the right to openly worship instead of building churches and worshiping in secret. In these days, the northern invaders attacked the Roman Empire. Among these attackers were the Visigoth Franks of the German tribes. In 476, Odoacer attacked Augustus of Rome and defeated him and became the king of Rome. After this the empire of Rome collapsed, but despite the decline, Rome made a great contribution to today's world in the field of literature and science.

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