UNESCO declared 'Garba dance' of Gujarat as intangible cultural heritage.

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UNESCO Declares Gujarat's 'Garba Dance' as Intangible Cultural Heritage

Discover the significance of UNESCO declaring Gujarat's 'Garba dance' as Intangible Cultural Heritage. Explore the rich cultural roots of Garba, its ritualistic and devotional aspects, and its role in promoting social inclusivity. Learn about India's 15th intangible cultural heritage element recognized by UNESCO and the government's celebratory events.


UNESCO's recent inclusion of Gujarat's 'Garba dance' in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity marks a significant milestone. This traditional dance form, deeply intertwined with Gujarat's cultural fabric, has been recognized for its ritualistic, devotional, and inclusive attributes.

UNESCO declared 'Garba dance' of Gujarat as intangible cultural heritage.
UNESCO declared 'Garba dance' of Gujarat as intangible cultural heritage.

Garba's UNESCO Recognition

The decision was made during the 18th meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Intergovernmental Committee in Kasane, Botswana, from December 5 to 9, 2023. Garba becomes the 15th intangible cultural heritage element of India to be included in this prestigious list.

Garba's Cultural Significance

Garba, a dance traditionally performed during Navratri, dedicates itself to the worship of feminine energy or Shakti. Rooted in ritual and devotional traditions, Garba holds a vital role in promoting social and gender inclusivity. Its recognition by UNESCO highlights its contribution to preserving cultural diversity and heritage.

Celebrations in Gujarat

To celebrate this achievement, the Gujarat government is organizing curated 'Garba' events across the districts of Gujarat. These events aim to showcase the cultural richness of Garba and its significance in Gujarat's heritage. The recognition by UNESCO adds a global dimension to the cultural importance of Garba.

India's Role in Intergovernmental Committee

India, selected to be part of the 24-member Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) of the ICH 2003 Convention for a tenure of 4 years in 2022, continues to contribute significantly to the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage.

Other Recognized Cultural Heritages

Alongside Garba, India boasts 14 other intangible cultural heritages recognized by UNESCO. These include Ramlila, Yoga, Vedic chanting, Navroz, Kumbh Mela, Durga Puja of Kolkata, Kutiyattam-Sanskrit theater of Kerala, Religious festival and ritual theater of the Ramman-Garhwal Himalayas, Mudiyettu-ritual theater and dance drama of Kerala, Kalbelia folk songs and dances of Rajasthan, Chhau dance of Eastern India, Buddhist chanting of Ladakh, Sankirtan – ritual singing, drumming, and dancing of Manipur, and Traditional brass and copper craft of pottery making in Punjab.


The UNESCO recognition of 'Garba dance' as Intangible Cultural Heritage underscores the global significance of Gujarat's cultural heritage. This acknowledgment not only honors the rich traditions of Garba but also emphasizes the importance of preserving and promoting diverse cultural practices worldwide.

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