Delhi University is the top institute of India in QS World University Sustainability Ranking-24.

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Delhi University Tops QS World University Sustainability Ranking-24

Explore Delhi University's remarkable achievement as the top Indian institute in the "QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2024". Learn about its global ranking, focusing on environmental, social, and governance impacts. Discover key insights into the sustainability performance of other Indian universities in the list.


Delhi University (DU) has earned a prestigious position as the top Indian institute in the "QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2024," securing the 220th spot globally and 30th in Asia. This acknowledgment reflects DU's commitment to delivering world-class education in environment and climate-related subjects.

Delhi University is the top institute  of India in QS World University  Sustainability Ranking-24.
Delhi University is the top institute  of India in QS World University  Sustainability Ranking-24.

Global Sustainable Leaders

The top three sustainable universities globally, according to the rankings, are the University of Toronto, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Manchester. QS formulated these rankings based on three critical parameters: environmental impact, social impact, and governance.

Key Parameters of Evaluation

QS utilized a comprehensive approach, evaluating institutions on their environmental, social, and governance practices. The criteria aim to assess the universities' commitment to sustainability across various aspects, emphasizing their impact on the environment and society.

Global Representation

The "QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2024" includes 1,397 institutions from 95 countries. Among these, India boasts 56 institutions, with 22 ranking in the top 700. Delhi University stands out as the sole Indian entity in the top 300, surpassing other prestigious Indian universities.

Indian Universities' Rankings

While Delhi University shines at 220th globally, other prominent Indian institutions make their mark in the sustainability rankings. IIT-Bombay secures the 303rd rank, IIT-Madras at 344th, IIT-Kharagpur at 349th, IIT-Roorkee at 387th, and IIT-Delhi at 426th. Despite not having any Indian university in the top 100, India demonstrates excellence in indicators related to environmental impact.

Environmental Impact Excellence

The report highlights India's stellar performance in indicators related to environmental impact. Four Indian universities secure positions in the world's top 100, with Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) leading the pack at 49th globally and 10th in Asia.

Research and Environmental Improvement

Delhi University attains the 66th rank in the Research and Environment Improvement category. Noteworthy counterparts in this domain include IIT-Madras at 70th and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology at 81st.


Delhi University's recognition as the top Indian institute in the "QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2024" highlights its dedication to fostering sustainability in education. As part of a global community committed to environmental responsibility, DU's achievement inspires other institutions to prioritize sustainability in their academic pursuits.

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