82nd Indian Road Congress started in Gandhinagar, Gujarat

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82nd Indian Road Congress: Driving Progress in Gandhinagar, Gujarat

The 82nd Indian Road Congress, held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, marked a significant event in the road sector. Explore insights, highlights, and the impact of this congress on road construction and transportation. Get the latest updates on sessions by Nitin Gadkari and Bhupendra Patel.


The 82nd Indian Road Congress convened at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar, from December 2 to 5, 2023, showcasing advancements in the road sector. Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari and Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel led the discussions, drawing over 4,000 professionals, including engineers, students, and scientists.

82nd Indian Road Congress started in Gandhinagar, Gujarat
82nd Indian Road Congress started in Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Driving Innovation: Technical Exhibition

State Health Minister Hrishikesh Patel inaugurated a technical exhibition at Mahatma Mandir, featuring 120 companies unveiling cutting-edge technology in road construction and transportation. This dynamic showcase emphasized the industry's strides towards innovation and sustainability.

Roots of Excellence: Indian Roads Congress

The Indian Roads Congress (IRC), formed in 1927, stands as the apex body for road professionals. Originating under Shri M R Jayakkar's chairmanship, the IRC's legacy unfolded with the first road conference in April 1930. The 82nd session reinforces its commitment to progress and collaboration.

Recap of 81st Annual Conference

Before the 82nd edition, the 81st Annual Conference in Lucknow showcased the industry's vibrancy. Insights from the event laid the groundwork for the Gandhinagar session, underscoring the importance of continuous collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Global Technology Summit: A Global Dialogue

In parallel, India hosted the 8th Global Technology Summit (GTS) in New Delhi from December 4 to 6, 2023. This three-day summit delved into discussions on data privacy, export controls, and the intersection of technology and politics, addressing critical global challenges.

Geopolitics of Technology: Summit Theme

The summit's theme, 'Geopolitics of Technology,' signaled a focused exploration of the global tech landscape. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar inaugurated the event, emphasizing the summit's significance in shaping international dialogues on technology.

Collaborative Endeavors: Co-hosting and Diverse Representation

Co-hosted by the Policy Planning and Research Division of the Ministry of External Affairs and Carnegie India, the summit witnessed participation from ministers and officials worldwide. Countries like the US, UK, Germany, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Lithuania, Brazil, and the European Union contributed to a diverse and enriching dialogue.

Insights and Experiences

As someone deeply involved in the road sector, attending these events provided invaluable insights. The exchange of ideas, technological showcases, and collaborative spirit showcased the industry's resilience and commitment to progress.


Q: What was the main focus of the 82nd Indian Road Congress?

The 82nd Indian Road Congress aimed to discuss and showcase advancements in the road sector, emphasizing innovation, sustainability, and collaboration.

Q: How many participants attended the 82nd IRC?

More than 4,000 professionals, including engineers, students, and scientists, participated in the 82nd Indian Road Congress.

Q: What role does the Indian Roads Congress play in the industry?

The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) serves as the apex body for road professionals, fostering collaboration and progress in the sector.

Q: What topics were covered in the Global Technology Summit?

The Global Technology Summit addressed crucial topics such as data privacy, export controls, and the geopolitical impact of technology on politics.

Q: Who inaugurated the Global Technology Summit?

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar inaugurated the Global Technology Summit, setting the tone for discussions on technology's geopolitical landscape.

Q: How diverse was the representation at the Global Technology Summit?

The summit saw participation from ministers and officials from various countries, including the US, UK, Germany, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Lithuania, Brazil, and the European Union.


The 82nd Indian Road Congress and the Global Technology Summit showcased the dynamism and collaborative spirit of the road and technology sectors. As we reflect on these events, it's evident that they have set the stage for future advancements, emphasizing the industry's commitment to innovation and progress.

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