Odisha Chief Minister launches 'AMA Bank' for Gram Panchayat Banking


Odisha Chief Minister Launches 'AMA Bank' for Gram Panchayat Banking

Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative, the "AMA Bank" scheme. This landmark endeavor aims to bring banking services to all unbanked Gram Panchayats (GPs) of Odisha through CSP Plus banking outlets.

Introduction to the AMA Bank Scheme

The Government of Odisha has partnered with six public sector banks - SBI, PNB, UBI, UCO Bank, Bank of India, and Bank of Baroda to launch the "Ama Bank" scheme. The primary objective is to establish low-cost micro bank branches. The AMA Bank, positioned between a Business Correspondent (BC) and a small bank branch, is mandated to provide essential banking services.

Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative, the "AMA Bank" scheme. This landmark endeavor aims to bring banking services to all unbanked Gram Panchayats (GPs) of Odisha through CSP Plus banking outlets.
Odisha Chief Minister launches 'AMA Bank' for Gram Panchayat Banking

CSP Plus Outlets: A Strategic Spread

In the initial phase, 750 CSP Plus outlets have been strategically spread across all 30 districts, dedicated to the people of Odisha. This strategic distribution ensures comprehensive coverage, facilitating easy access to banking services for the citizens.

Banking Services Offered by AMA Bank

The AMA Bank is designed to offer a range of essential banking services, including deposits, advances, remittances, loans, Aadhaar-enabled payment systems, and credit linkage to Self Help Groups (SHGs). This comprehensive approach aims to cater to the diverse financial needs of the citizens in unbanked Gram Panchayats.

Achieving Inclusive Growth

The Government firmly believes that achieving inclusive growth is intricately linked to providing financial inclusion to every citizen. This initiative reflects a commitment to uplift the economic status of the entire community, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Doorstep Banking for Special Needs

A hallmark of this inclusive scheme is the introduction of doorstep banking services tailored for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and pregnant women. This ensures hassle-free access to direct benefit transfers, promoting financial inclusivity for all.


  • What is the objective of the AMA Bank scheme? The AMA Bank scheme aims to provide banking services through CSP Plus banking outlets in all unbanked Gram Panchayats of Odisha.

  • Which public sector banks collaborated for the AMA Bank scheme? The Government of Odisha collaborated with SBI, PNB, UBI, UCO Bank, Bank of India, and Bank of Baroda for the AMA Bank scheme.

  • What services does the AMA Bank offer? AMA Bank provides essential banking services such as deposits, advances, remittances, loans, Aadhaar-enabled payment system, and credit linkage to Self Help Groups (SHGs).

  • How many CSP Plus outlets were dedicated in the initial phase, and where are they located? In the initial phase, 750 CSP Plus outlets were strategically spread across all 30 districts of Odisha.

  • What is the significance of doorstep banking in the AMA Bank scheme? Doorstep banking services cater to senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and pregnant women, ensuring hassle-free access to direct benefit transfers.

  • How does the AMA Bank contribute to inclusive growth? The AMA Bank contributes to inclusive growth by providing financial inclusion to every citizen, addressing the diverse financial needs of the community.


In conclusion, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik's launch of the AMA Bank scheme signifies a crucial step towards financial inclusion and inclusive growth. The strategic placement of CSP Plus outlets, coupled with a range of banking services, ensures accessibility for all citizens. The emphasis on doorstep banking for special needs further strengthens the commitment to leave no one behind in the journey towards a financially inclusive society.

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