India's largest circular railway, 287 km long, will be established in Bengaluru.


India's Largest Circular Railway: A Vision for Bengaluru's Future

Explore the ambitious project of setting up a 287-km-long circular railway in Bengaluru, aiming to become the country's largest suburban network. Learn about the vision, proposed network, and the positive impact on public transportation.


In a bold move, Karnataka's Bengaluru is planning to establish India's largest circular railway, spanning an impressive 287 kilometers. This visionary project, unveiled by Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav, aims to revolutionize Bengaluru's suburban network, surpassing even Chennai's circular railway. Let's delve into the comprehensive outline and details of this ambitious endeavor.

Explore the ambitious project of setting up a 287-km-long circular railway in Bengaluru, aiming to become the country's largest suburban network. Learn about the vision, proposed network, and the positive impact on public transportation.
India's largest circular railway, 287 km long, will be established in Bengaluru.

Outline for India's Largest Circular Railway

Bengaluru's VisionCircular Railway Overview
Project UnveilingFunding for Feasibility Studies
Connecting Major CitiesFuture-Forward Transportation Solutions
Hub-and-Spoke ModelInspired by Global Success Models
Proposed NetworkFunding Release to KRIDE

India's Largest Circular Railway: A Vision Unveiled

Bengaluru's Vision

The circular railway project in Bengaluru is set to redefine suburban connectivity, aspiring to outshine the existing circular railway in Chennai. This ambitious venture aligns with the city's growth and future transportation needs.

Circular Railway Overview

Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav, during a press conference, presented the comprehensive plan for the circular railway. This transformative project envisions connecting major cities around Bengaluru, addressing both current and future transportation needs.

Funding for Feasibility Studies

To kickstart this monumental project, Rs 7 crore has been sanctioned for feasibility and alignment studies. This financial commitment showcases the government's dedication to realizing the circular railway's potential.

Connecting Cities: Beyond Current Needs

Future-Forward Transportation Solutions

The circular railway doesn't merely address current transportation needs; it aims to provide innovative solutions for the next 40-50 years. This forward-thinking approach sets the project apart, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in the long run.

Hub-and-Spoke Model

Designed on a hub-and-spoke model, the circular railway integrates the city core with seven spokes located approximately 20–25 km apart. This strategic design maximizes connectivity and accessibility.

Inspired by Global Success Models

In essence, the circular railway mirrors successful rail-based transportation systems in global cities like Tokyo, London, and Delhi. Drawing inspiration from these models, Bengaluru aims to enhance public transportation and commuter convenience.

Proposed Network and Funding Release

Proposed Network

The proposed circular railway network around Bengaluru city includes key segments like Nidavanda-Doddaballapur, Doddaballapur-Devanahalli, Devanahalli-Malur, Malur-Healalige, Hejjala-Soloor, Solur-Nidavanda, and Hejjala-Heilalagi. Each segment plays a vital role in creating a comprehensive suburban network.

Funding Release to KRIDE

The funds for this monumental project will be released to Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited (KRIDE). As a joint venture between the Karnataka State Government and the Ministry of Railways, KRIDE is entrusted with executing this transformative vision.

The Journey Ahead: Transforming Bengaluru's Commute

As we embark on this transformative journey, Bengaluru's circular railway project promises not just efficient suburban connectivity but also a blueprint for the future of public transportation in India. The proposed network, innovative design, and global inspiration position this initiative as a milestone in the nation's railway development.


Q: When was the circular railway project unveiled? A: Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav unveiled the project during a comprehensive review of railway projects in Bengaluru.

Q: What is the funding allocated for feasibility studies? A: Rs 7 crore has been sanctioned for feasibility and alignment studies.

Q: How does the circular railway go beyond current needs? A: It envisions transportation solutions for the next 40-50 years, showcasing a forward-thinking approach.

Q: What is the hub-and-spoke model in the circular railway design? A: The hub-and-spoke model integrates the city core with seven spokes, enhancing connectivity.

Q: Which cities inspired the circular railway model? A: Successful rail-based systems in Tokyo, London, and Delhi served as inspirations for Bengaluru's circular railway.

Q: Which segments constitute the proposed circular railway network? A: Nidavanda-Doddaballapur, Doddaballapur-Devanahalli, Devanahalli-Malur, Malur-Healalige, Hejjala-Soloor, Solur-Nidavanda, and Hejjala-Heilalagi.


Bengaluru's circular railway is not just a project; it's a vision for the future. With meticulous planning, global inspiration, and dedicated funding, this circular railway is poised to become India's largest suburban network, transforming the way people commute in and around the vibrant city.

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