Multilateral military exercise 'Talisman Seber' started between Australia-USA


The Multilateral Military Exercise 'Talisman Seber' Strengthens Global Defense Cooperation

The multinational military exercise known as 'Talisman Seber' has commenced between the United States and Australia, along with eleven partner countries. This prestigious exercise, now in its 10th edition, serves as a crucial platform to bolster defense cooperation and readiness among the participating nations. Taking place in various locations across Australia, Talisman Seber involves more than 30,000 military personnel from diverse backgrounds and aims to enhance interaction, build camaraderie, and improve combat capabilities.

Multilateral military exercise 'Talisman Seber' started between Australia-USA
Multilateral military exercise 'Talisman Seber' started between Australia-USA

The Grand Commencement

On 21st July 2023, the 10th edition of Talisman Seber kicked off at HMAS Canberra in Townsville, Australia. This marks the beginning of an extensive two-week-long exercise that will cover different regions, including Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Region, and New South Wales. This year's event will also witness practice sessions around Norfolk Island, further expanding the scope of the exercise.

Diverse Participation

Talisman Seber is not merely a bilateral exercise; it embraces a multinational coalition of nations coming together for a unified purpose. Alongside the United States and Australia, the exercise will host military forces from Canada, Fiji, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South Korea, Tonga, and the United Kingdom. Moreover, India, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand are participating as observers, fostering cooperation and understanding among the global defense community.

A Glimpse into the Past

The history of Talisman Seber dates back to 2005 when it was first conducted between the United States and Australia. At that time, 16,000 American and Australian troops took part in the exercise, which spanned Sholavatar Bay, Rockhampton, Townsville, and the Coral Sea. Since then, the exercise has grown in scale and significance, becoming a symbol of cooperation and collective security in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Objectives and Scope

The primary aim of Talisman Seber is to conduct high-end, multi-domain warfare exercises that encompass operations at sea, on land, in the air, in cyberspace, and in space. By doing so, the exercise seeks to achieve several key objectives:

1. Strengthening Military Interactions

Talisman Seber serves as an excellent platform for different military forces to interact and collaborate closely. This fosters mutual understanding, builds trust, and creates stronger working relationships between the participating nations.

2. Enhancing Combat Readiness

Through realistic training scenarios and joint manoeuvres, participating military personnel enhance their combat readiness and interoperability. This collective preparation ensures a swift and effective response to potential security challenges.

3. Improving Logistics and Support Capabilities

Logistics activities play a crucial role in military operations. Talisman Seber provides an opportunity for forces to practice and fine-tune their logistics and support capabilities, ensuring seamless coordination during real-world scenarios.

4. Practicing Amphibian Landings

Amphibian landings are complex military operations that require precision and synchronization. The exercise includes practice sessions for amphibious assaults, preparing forces for diverse contingencies.

5. Conducting Air and Maritime Operations

Field training exercises include air and maritime operations, allowing participating nations to demonstrate their capabilities in handling aerial and naval challenges.


The multilateral military exercise 'Talisman Seber' stands as a testament to the commitment of nations to promoting global security and cooperation. By facilitating joint training and collaboration, Talisman Seber ensures that participating forces are well-prepared and capable of safeguarding shared interests. This exercise serves as a strong foundation for building lasting friendships and united defence strategies in an ever-changing world.



1. What is the purpose of Talisman Seber?

Talisman Seber aims to enhance military cooperation, combat readiness, and logistical capabilities among participating nations through high-end, multi-domain warfare exercises.

2. How many countries are taking part in the exercise?

Apart from the United States and Australia, eleven partner countries are participating in Talisman Seber, with four additional nations joining as observers.

3. Why is Talisman Seber significant for global security?

Talisman Seber fosters understanding and trust among different nations' militaries, contributing to collective security efforts and a stronger global defense network.

4. What regions are involved in the exercise?

Talisman Seber takes place in various locations across Australia, including Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Region, New South Wales, and for the first time, around Norfolk Island.

5. How does Talisman Seber contribute to combat readiness?

By conducting joint training and exercises in multiple domains, Talisman Seber enhances the participating forces' combat readiness and ability to respond swiftly to potential threats.


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