Indian Air Force's Central Command organized the exercise 'Ranvijay' in Prayagraj

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Indian Air Force's Central Command organized the exercise 'Ranvijay' in Prayagraj

Indian Air Force's Central Command organized the exercise 'Ranvijay' in Prayagraj

 The Indian Air Force conducted Exercise 'Ranvijay' from 16-25 June 2023 focusing on integration and joint operations and used Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft in the exercise.

 The exercise was conducted from various air bases of the Command Headquarters of the Indian Air Force at Prayagraj. The Sukhoi Su-30MKI aircraft is a heavy, all-weather long-range combat aircraft.
 It is the most advanced fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force after the French-made Rafale jet. The first fighter aircraft joined the IAF fleet in 2002, while the first aircraft assembled in India entered service with the IAF in 2004.

Exercise 'Ranvijay'

 The Central Air Command (CAC) said in a statement that the main focus of the exercise was on integrated operations by optimally exploiting the electronic warfare capabilities of the Indian Air Force (IAF).
 The exercise involved the execution of full spectrum operations by all combat assets. It will also improve the IAF's capabilities to conduct night operations and perform tasks in all weather conditions across the globe.

 This exercise has proved that the Indian Air Force with its technological capabilities is capable of meeting the challenges and defending the country's skies from India's adversaries. Moreover, the integration of all three tri-services will help in thwarting threats from India's adversaries on the western and northern frontiers.

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