India to host the largest ever multilateral air force exercise, 'Tarang Shakti'

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India to host the largest ever multilateral air force exercise, 'Tarang Shakti'

India to host the largest ever multilateral air force exercise, 'Tarang Shakti'

 In a significant development for India's military power and global alliances, the Indian Air Force (IAF) is getting ready to host its first multilateral air force exercise later this year.
 'Tarang Shakti', being conducted in the Rajasthan sector, aims to enhance coordination, interoperability, and integration between the participating air forces, thereby sending a strong message to potential adversaries in the region.

 The exercise named 'Tarang Shakti' will have participation from twelve countries, with six countries participating with their aircraft and the remaining six as observers.
 According to sources in the defense and security establishment, the Quad nations - the United States, Japan, Australia, France, and the United Kingdom, among others, are among those sending their aircraft to the historic site.
 This year itself, the Indian Air Force has been involved in joint exercises with France, Greece, Japan, the USA, and the United Kingdom.

Tarang Shakti

 Through joint exercises, India's armed forces aim to promote synergy, enhance their capabilities and strengthen the collective defense framework. Tarang Shakti is going to be the largest multinational air exercise ever conducted in India.

 The exercise will involve a variety of aircraft including fighter jets, military transport aircraft, mid-air refuellers, and airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft.

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