World Economic Forum released 'Education 4.0 Report'

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World Economic Forum released 'Education 4.0 Report'

 Recently the World Economic Forum (WEF) has released the 'Education 4.0 Report'. This report has been released in collaborationnwith WEF, United Nations Children's Education Fund (UNICEF) and YuWaah (Generation Unlimited India). It has been released as part of WEF's Education 4.0 India initiative.

 According to the report, the school-to-work (S2W) transition process in India still faces major hurdles. These include such as shortage of trainers, inadequate resources and infrastructure, lack of integration with the school curriculum, local skill gaps, etc.
 It focuses on measures to bridge the learning gap and make education accessible to all through digital and other technologies. This report tracks the progress of the Education 4.0 India initiative.
 It identifies five pillars- curriculum, content, capacity, community, digital infrastructure. In addition, it also provides a framework for the development of scalable pilots, which can be implemented by state governments and ecosystem partners.

Education 4.0 India Initiative

 It was started in May 2020. It brings together over 40 partners from the education technology, government, academia and start-up communities. The Fourth Industrial Revolution focuses on reducing inequalities and increasing access to education among children in India through technologies.

 It aims to remove inequalities in India's education sector and empower and engage youth. It presents a roadmap to reform India's school system and calls for all stakeholders to come together.

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