UNESCO's education report calls for a global ban on smartphones in all schools


UNESCO's Education Report Calls for a Global Ban on Smartphones in All Schools


In its latest Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 titled "Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose Terms," the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) advocates for a significant step in the realm of education - a worldwide ban on smartphones in schools. The report stresses the importance of adopting a more "human-centred approach" to learning, aiming to curb the excessive use of digital technology, which may adversely impact academic performance and children's emotional competence.

UNESCO's education report calls for a global ban on smartphones in all schools
UNESCO's education report calls for a global ban on smartphones in all schools

The Need for a Ban

Smartphones and other digital devices have become an integral part of modern life, permeating various aspects of society, including education. However, UNESCO highlights several compelling reasons behind the call for a global ban on smartphones in schools:

1. Reducing Dependence on Digital Technology

The overreliance on smartphones and digital devices can hinder traditional learning methods and diminish the value of face-to-face interactions in classrooms. By limiting the use of smartphones during school hours, educators hope to foster more meaningful connections between students and their peers, as well as with teachers.

2. Impaired Academic Performance and Emotional Competence

Research has indicated that excessive screen time and smartphone usage might negatively affect students' academic performance and emotional well-being. By implementing a ban, schools aim to create an environment that encourages students to be more engaged, attentive, and emotionally competent.

3. Concerns About Data Privacy

Another crucial factor driving the ban is the issue of data privacy in educational technology. UNESCO's Manos Antoninis raised concerns about the vulnerability of data leaks in the classroom, revealing that only 16 percent of countries have laws guaranteeing data privacy. The COVID-19 pandemic's shift to online learning left millions of students at a disadvantage due to the lack of proper data protection measures.

4. Bridging the Connectivity Gap

While access to education is considered a fundamental right, many primary schools lack essential resources such as electricity, let alone access to the internet. UNESCO aims to set standards for connecting schools to the internet to ensure a more equitable and inclusive learning experience for all.

5. Preparing Teachers for the Digital Age

The report highlights the need for adequate training for teachers to effectively integrate technology into their teaching methods. Shockingly, only 11 out of the 51 surveyed governments have incorporated AI-related curriculum, and even fewer teacher training programs address cybersecurity, despite the rising threat of cyberattacks in the education sector.

UNESCO: A Pillar of Global Education

Before delving deeper into the call for a smartphone ban, let's take a brief look at UNESCO's origins and significance in the field of education.

- Foundation of UNESCO

UNESCO traces its roots back to 1942 when European countries facing the Axis powers during World War II held the 'Conference of Allied Ministers of Education' (CAME) in the United Kingdom. CAME proposed the establishment of an 'Educational and Cultural Organization,' leading to the calling of a United Nations Conference in London in November 1945.

- UNESCO's Mandate

On November 16, 1945, UNESCO was born with the mission to promote peace, security, and international cooperation through education, science, culture, and communication. It has since become a vital entity in the pursuit of global education, with headquarters in Paris and over 50 regional offices worldwide. Presently, UNESCO comprises 194 member states and 12 associate members.


The Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 by UNESCO reinforces the need to prioritize a more balanced and human-centered approach to education. By calling for a ban on smartphones in schools, UNESCO aims to address the challenges posed by excessive reliance on digital technology and ensure that students' academic and emotional development remains paramount. The report serves as a call to action for policymakers, educators, and parents to work together in shaping an inclusive, technology-aware, and holistic learning environment for the generations to come.


1. Is UNESCO's call for a smartphone ban applicable to all schools globally?

   Yes, UNESCO's call is for a global ban on smartphones in all schools, regardless of their geographical location.

2. What are the potential benefits of banning smartphones in classrooms?

   Banning smartphones in classrooms can lead to improved academic performance, enhanced emotional competence, and better social interactions among students.

3. How can schools ensure data privacy during online learning?

   Schools can ensure data privacy during online learning by implementing robust data protection measures, secure platforms, and compliance with privacy regulations.

4. Does UNESCO support the integration of technology in education?

   Yes, UNESCO recognizes the importance of technology in education but emphasizes the need for a balanced and human-centred approach to its integration.

5. What steps can be taken to bridge the connectivity gap in education?

   To bridge the connectivity gap, governments and organizations must invest in infrastructure and policies that provide reliable internet access to all schools, especially in underserved areas.


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