Which are the main mountains of the world ?


Which are the main mountains of the world ?

The elevated parts of the earth's surface are called mountains. All the mountains of the world have been born from the changes taking place inside the earth. Most are in the form of mountain ranges, but there are some which are solitary. The shape and texture of different mountains are different. Generally, places with an altitude of more than 300 meters (984.24 feet) above the earth's level are called mountains.

The main mountains of the continent of Asia are as follows - The Himalayan ranges are the longest mountain range in the world. The length of this chain is 2413 km. Is. Everest is the highest peak in the world. Its height is 8848 meters (29028 feet). The Karakoram is the second-largest mountain range in Asia. Its highest peak is Mount Austin K-2, which is 8610.7 meters (28250 ft) high. The Pamir range is also a major mountain range. Its altitude is between 3352.84 m (11000 ft) and 3962.45 m (13000 ft).

The major ranges of Europe include the Alps, the Caucasus, the Carpothy Ans, the Pyrenees, and the Urals. The length of the Alps is 1190 km. Is. Its highest peak is Mott Block, which is 4810.1 m (15781 ft) high. The Caucasus ranges 1432 km. is long. Its highest peak is Elbrus, whose height is 5633 meters (18481 ft). There are dense forests in the Carpathian ranges. The Pyrenees chain extends between Spain and France. Its highest peak is Pico da Aneto, which is 3404.05 m (11168 ft). Ural ranges 2413 km. is long. It extends between Asia and Europe.

Which are the main mountains of the world ?
Which are the main mountains of the world ?

The mountain ranges of Africa are in different groups and are located at great distances from each other. Abyssinian Highland, Atlas, Ruwenjori, and Kilimanjaro are the main ranges here. The Abyssinian Highland is a huge range. Its main peak is Ras Dashan, 4620.2 m (15158 ft) high. Atlas mountain range 2413 km. is long. Ruwenjori is a small range, which is only 104.585 km long. It has only four main peaks. It has dense forests. Kilimanjaro is a volcano, whose height is 5963 meters (19565 ft).

There are only two main ranges in North America. These are the Raki ranges and the Appalachius Raki Mountains, stretching from north to south, which are 3539 km. long. Its highest peak is Mount Makinle, which is 6194 meters (20270 ft) high. The Appalachians are very ancient ranges. Its height is only 2037.3 m (6684).

The Andes ranges of South America are the main ones. It is 7360 km. long. Its highest peak is Aconcagua, which is 6960.19 m. (22835 feet) high. It has many peaks.

The highest mountain in Australia is Kosciusko, whose height is only 2226 meters (7303.16 ft).

There are some mountains in the world, which have started from the bottom of the sea and have come far above the surface of the water. The Mauna Kea mountain of the Hawaiian Islands is one such. It is 4205 m (13795.8 ft) above sea level and 4877 m (16000.5 ft) below sea level. Thus the height of Mauna Kea Mountain is 9082 meters (29796.2 feet). This height is more than Everest.

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