Why don't everyone have the same fingerprints?

3 minute read
Why don't everyone have the same fingerprints?

If you put your thumb on a white paper by pressing on an Eik pad, then the thumb impression will come on the paper. You take the thumb impressions of any number of people and mix it with your thumb impression, it will not be found with the thumb impression of any person in the world. No two people in the world can have the same fingerprints. Nature has designed the skin of everyone's fingers in such a way that no two persons have the same structure.
Why don't everyone have the same fingerprints?    If you put your thumb on a white paper by pressing on an Eik pad, then the thumb impression will come on the paper. You take the thumb impressions of any number of people and mix it with your thumb impression, it will not be found with the thumb impression of any person in the world. No two people in the world can have the same fingerprints. Nature has designed the skin of everyone's fingers in such a way that no two persons have the same structure.    The fact that the fingerprints of two people are not the same was known to the people of China two thousand years ago, but this fact was first proved by an English scientist Sir Francis Galton in 1892. No two people in the world can have the same fingerprints. Since then this fact is being used to trace criminals, Sir Edward Henry invented a method to trace fingerprints, which is used by all police departments of the world to trace criminals. is used for.    Sir Henry pointed out that fingerprints can be taken in the form of circles, arrows and waves, with fingerprints being classified into a definite unit. In any police department, thousands of people's fingerprints remain in one file. These marks allow the criminals to be traced within minutes. Studies to date have shown that the fingerprints of 24 million individuals can be found to some extent in any two of the countries today left by criminals using this method. They are traced on the basis of the sign.
The fact that the fingerprints of two people are not the same was known to the people of China two thousand years ago, but this fact was first proved by an English scientist Sir Francis Galton in 1892. No two people in the world can have the same fingerprints. Since then this fact is being used to trace criminals, Sir Edward Henry invented a method to trace fingerprints, which is used by all police departments of the world to trace criminals. is used for.
Why don't everyone have the same fingerprints?    If you put your thumb on a white paper by pressing on an Eik pad, then the thumb impression will come on the paper. You take the thumb impressions of any number of people and mix it with your thumb impression, it will not be found with the thumb impression of any person in the world. No two people in the world can have the same fingerprints. Nature has designed the skin of everyone's fingers in such a way that no two persons have the same structure.    The fact that the fingerprints of two people are not the same was known to the people of China two thousand years ago, but this fact was first proved by an English scientist Sir Francis Galton in 1892. No two people in the world can have the same fingerprints. Since then this fact is being used to trace criminals, Sir Edward Henry invented a method to trace fingerprints, which is used by all police departments of the world to trace criminals. is used for.    Sir Henry pointed out that fingerprints can be taken in the form of circles, arrows and waves, with fingerprints being classified into a definite unit. In any police department, thousands of people's fingerprints remain in one file. These marks allow the criminals to be traced within minutes. Studies to date have shown that the fingerprints of 24 million individuals can be found to some extent in any two of the countries today left by criminals using this method. They are traced on the basis of the sign.

Sir Henry pointed out that fingerprints can be taken in the form of circles, arrows and waves, with fingerprints being classified into a definite unit. In any police department, thousands of people's fingerprints remain in one file. These marks allow the criminals to be traced within minutes. Studies to date have shown that the fingerprints of 24 million individuals can be found to some extent in any two of the countries today left by criminals using this method. They are traced on the basis of the sign.

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