What is pollution?


What is pollution?

What is pollution?   The present era is the era of industrial development, thousands of factories run day and night in all the developing countries of the world. Due to the effect of all this, our environment has become contaminated, after which we need to breathe, the water and land have also become polluted. Pollution of air, water and land remains a huge problem.  Air pollution is mainly caused by the smoke coming out of the mills. The air is also polluted by the fuel burning in the vehicles plying on the roads. Many toxic gases keep getting mixed in these air. These gases enter our body through meat, which has a very bad effect on health, new diseases are born. Gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, which are produced by the burning of motor fuels, make the air toxic. The pollution of water mainly comes from the substances released from factories and human excreta.    The dirty drains of big cities fall into the rivers, which pollute the water. Thousands of types of these faecal substances  Viruses and bacteria are born in water, this is the water we drink, so many diseases attack us.  happens above. For the protection of grains, we use many germ-killing drugs, from them  The grain gets contaminated. Eating these grains without washing has a very bad effect on health.  There is pollution of the land due to the spraying of thousands of types of chemicals and germ-killing drugs,  The waste materials that are thrown on the streets and roads by the increasing population, generate thousands of disease-causing germs. The piles of garbage lying on the side of the roads give rise to many diseases. The noise produced by moving vehicles and mills is also injurious to health. Various types of radiation that we do not see are the result of the atomic age. This radio radiation is very dangerous for human health. The amount of these radiations is increasing day by day due to the testing of nuclear weapons. Today, scientists of all countries are engaged in finding such measures, by using which pollution of water, air, land etc. can be reduced. Today such methods are being developed by which the to reduce smoke

The present era is the era of industrial development, thousands of factories run day and night in all the developing countries of the world. Due to the effect of all this, our environment has become contaminated, after which we need to breathe, the water and land have also become polluted. Pollution of air, water and land remains a huge problem.

Air pollution is mainly caused by the smoke coming out of the mills. The air is also polluted by the fuel burning in the vehicles plying on the roads. Many toxic gases keep getting mixed in these air. These gases enter our body through meat, which has a very bad effect on health, new diseases are born. Gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, which are produced by the burning of motor fuels, make the air toxic. The pollution of water mainly comes from the substances released from factories and human excreta.

What is pollution?   The present era is the era of industrial development, thousands of factories run day and night in all the developing countries of the world. Due to the effect of all this, our environment has become contaminated, after which we need to breathe, the water and land have also become polluted. Pollution of air, water and land remains a huge problem.  Air pollution is mainly caused by the smoke coming out of the mills. The air is also polluted by the fuel burning in the vehicles plying on the roads. Many toxic gases keep getting mixed in these air. These gases enter our body through meat, which has a very bad effect on health, new diseases are born. Gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, which are produced by the burning of motor fuels, make the air toxic. The pollution of water mainly comes from the substances released from factories and human excreta.    The dirty drains of big cities fall into the rivers, which pollute the water. Thousands of types of these faecal substances  Viruses and bacteria are born in water, this is the water we drink, so many diseases attack us.  happens above. For the protection of grains, we use many germ-killing drugs, from them  The grain gets contaminated. Eating these grains without washing has a very bad effect on health.  There is pollution of the land due to the spraying of thousands of types of chemicals and germ-killing drugs,  The waste materials that are thrown on the streets and roads by the increasing population, generate thousands of disease-causing germs. The piles of garbage lying on the side of the roads give rise to many diseases. The noise produced by moving vehicles and mills is also injurious to health. Various types of radiation that we do not see are the result of the atomic age. This radio radiation is very dangerous for human health. The amount of these radiations is increasing day by day due to the testing of nuclear weapons. Today, scientists of all countries are engaged in finding such measures, by using which pollution of water, air, land etc. can be reduced. Today such methods are being developed by which the to reduce smoke

The dirty drains of big cities fall into the rivers, which pollute the water. Thousands of types of these faecal substances

Viruses and bacteria are born in water, this is the water we drink, so many diseases attack us.

happens above. For the protection of grains, we use many germ-killing drugs, from them

The grain gets contaminated. Eating these grains without washing has a very bad effect on health.

There is pollution of the land due to the spraying of thousands of types of chemicals and germ-killing drugs,

The waste materials that are thrown on the streets and roads by the increasing population, generate thousands of disease-causing germs. The piles of garbage lying on the side of the roads give rise to many diseases. The noise produced by moving vehicles and mills is also injurious to health. Various types of radiation that we do not see are the result of the atomic age. This radio radiation is very dangerous for human health. The amount of these radiations is increasing day by day due to the testing of nuclear weapons. Today, scientists of all countries are engaged in finding such measures, by using which pollution of water, air, land etc. can be reduced. Today such methods are being developed by which the to reduce smoke

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