World highest swimming pool started in Bhutan

3 minute read
World's highest swimming
pool started in Bhutan
 The Kingdom of Bhutan opened its
first competition swimming pool in
Thimphu, thanks to a collaboration
between World Aquatics and the
Bhutan Aquatics Federation. This
pool appears to be 8 lanes wide and
25 meters long.
 Apart from being the first
competition pool in Bhutan, the
facility is also the highest
swimming pool in the world,
situated at an altitude of 8200 feet
or 2400 metres. The pool was
funded through the Pools for All
program development initiative
launched in 2019. This brings
opportunities for a potential
altitude training industry in the
Central Asian nation.
 The construction and opening of
the pool was made possible by the
Pools for All Programme, a world
aquatics development initiative
which aims to ensure that all
national member federations have
access to the best possible aquatics
facilities to promote aquatic sports.
 "The pool facility for all not only
opens doors for competitive
swimming, but also acts as a great
facility for our youth to develop
their love and talent in aquatic
sports," Bhutan Aquatics
Federation President Sonam Karma
Tshering said in a press. ,
 Bhutan is a developing country
located on the eastern edge of the
Himalayas, bordering Tibet, with a
population of 782,455 as of 2022.
Bhutan made its Olympic debut in
1984 at the Los Angeles Games.
 The only athlete to represent
Bhutan in Olympic swimming so far
was Tenzin in 2020, where he
placed 68th in the 100 free.
 1908 – The "Fédération
Internationale de Natation" (FINA)
was founded in London on July 19,
1908, during the Olympic Games
(GBR). Eight national federations
were responsible for the formation
of FINA: Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Hungary and Sweden.
 1912 – Women competed for the
first time in aquatic events at the
Stockholm (SWE) Olympic Games. It
is headquartered in Lausanne,

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