Former Justice Prakash Srivastava becomes the new chairman of NGT

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Former Justice Prakash Srivastava Becomes the New Chairman of NGT

Former Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court Prakash Srivastava has been appointed as the new chairperson of the National Green Tribunal (NGT). This significant appointment comes after the retirement of the then NGT chairman Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel in July. Justice Shiv Kumar Singh had taken up the role of acting chairman during the interim period. In this article, we'll delve into the notable achievements of Justice Prakash Srivastava, the functions of the NGT, and the impact of this new leadership on environmental protection.

Former Justice Prakash Srivastava becomes the new chairman of NGT
Former Justice Prakash Srivastava becomes the new chairman of NGT


The appointment of Former Justice Prakash Srivastava as the chairman of NGT marks a crucial step towards upholding environmental justice in India. His extensive legal background, coupled with his commitment to the preservation of natural resources, makes this appointment a significant development in the field.

Justice Prakash Srivastava's Legal Journey

Justice Srivastava began his legal career as an advocate on February 2, 1987. He specialized in tax, civil, and constitutional law, and his deep understanding of these domains earned him a reputation as a proficient lawyer. His practice extended to the Supreme Court of India in New Delhi, where he honed his legal skills and gained valuable insights into the complexities of the legal system.

A Judge of Integrity and Expertise

In recognition of his exemplary legal career, Justice Srivastava was appointed as a judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court on January 18, 2008. His impeccable integrity, combined with his expertise in various legal facets, contributed to his success as a judge. He further solidified his position by becoming a permanent judge on January 15, 2010.

National Green Tribunal (NGT): A Brief Overview

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) stands as a specialized body established by the Government of India on October 18, 2010, under the Act, 2010. Its primary objective is to ensure the swift and effective delivery of justice in matters concerning environmental protection and the conservation of forests and other natural resources.

Headquarters and Regional Benches

The NGT's headquarters are situated in New Delhi, with five regional benches located at Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai, and Guwahati. The chairman of the tribunal is typically a retired judge of either the Supreme Court or a High Court, ensuring a high level of legal expertise in its leadership.

Unique Procedural Approach

One of the distinctive features of the NGT is its departure from the conventional procedural framework outlined in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Instead, the tribunal operates based on the principles of natural justice. This unique approach allows for a more adaptive and efficient resolution of environmental cases.

Setting a Global Precedent

India's establishment of the NGT marked a significant milestone as it became the third country, and the first among developing nations, to create a specialized environment tribunal. Prior to this, only Australia and New Zealand had implemented similar bodies. This pioneering step highlighted India's commitment to addressing environmental concerns in a dedicated and comprehensive manner.


Q: What is the significance of Justice Prakash Srivastava's appointment?

 Justice Prakash Srivastava's appointment brings legal expertise and a strong commitment to environmental protection to the leadership of NGT.

Q: How does the NGT differ from conventional courts?

 The NGT operates with a unique procedural approach guided by the principles of natural justice, enabling faster and more effective resolution of environmental cases.

Q: What sets the NGT apart from other environment-related bodies?

 The NGT's establishment as a specialized environment tribunal demonstrates India's proactive approach to addressing environmental issues with a dedicated legal framework.

Q: How does India compare to other countries in terms of specialized environment tribunals?

 India is the third country globally, and the first among developing nations, to create a specialized environment tribunal, showcasing its commitment to environmental protection.

Q: What impact is Justice Srivastava expected to have on NGT's functioning?

 Justice Srivastava's extensive legal background and commitment to preserving natural resources are expected to enhance NGT's effectiveness in delivering environmental justice.

Q: How does the NGT contribute to environmental conservation?

 The NGT ensures efficient and speedy resolution of cases related to environmental protection, contributing to the conservation of forests and natural resources.

## Conclusion

The appointment of Former Justice Prakash Srivastava as the chairman of NGT reflects India's dedication to addressing environmental challenges through legal means. With his wealth of legal experience and commitment to justice, Justice Srivastava is well poised to guide the NGT towards a more sustainable and ecologically conscious future.


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