James Ferguson elected new chairman of IPCC in Nairobia

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James Ferguson Elected New Chairman of IPCC in Nairobi


In a significant development for the global efforts to combat climate change, James Ferguson, also known as Jim Skea, from the United Kingdom, has been elected as the new chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The election took place on July 26, 2023, during the 59th session of the IPCC at the United Nations Environment Program headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Let's delve into the details of this historic event and its implications for the fight against climate change.

James Ferguson elected new chairman of IPCC in Nairobia
James Ferguson elected new chairman of IPCC in Nairobia

A Triumph for James Ferguson Skea

James Ferguson Skea emerged victorious in the race to become the new chairman of the IPCC. He defeated his closest rival, Thelma Krug of Brazil, by a margin of 90-69 votes in a run-off election. Thelma Krug, who is the vice-chair of the IPCC and a former researcher at Brazil's National Space Institute, missed the opportunity to become the first female chair of the IPCC.

A Distinguished Career

James Ferguson Skea is a Professor of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College London and brings an impressive 40 years of climate science experience and expertise to his new role as the IPCC chairman. His deep understanding of sustainable energy and climate issues will undoubtedly play a crucial role in steering the IPCC through its seventh evaluation cycle.

Understanding the IPCC

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). With its headquarters in Geneva, the IPCC is an influential international body that assesses and reports on the scientific knowledge related to climate change. It plays a crucial role in guiding policymakers and the global community towards effective climate action.

The Role of James Ferguson Skea

As the newly elected chairman of the IPCC, James Ferguson Skea will have the responsibility of leading the panel during its seventh evaluation cycle. This cycle is expected to be critical as the world faces urgent challenges in addressing climate change and its impacts on ecosystems, societies, and economies.

IPCC's Mission and Impact

The IPCC's mission is to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts, potential future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. The reports generated by the IPCC play a vital role in shaping climate policies at the national and international levels.

The Road Ahead

With James Ferguson Skea at the helm, the IPCC is poised to strengthen its efforts to combat climate change and accelerate the global transition to a sustainable future. His leadership, backed by a wealth of experience, will be instrumental in guiding the panel's work to address the most pressing climate challenges of our time.

Nisha Biswal's Appointment as Deputy CEO of USIDFC

In another noteworthy development, Nisha Biswal, an Indian-American policy expert, has assumed the role of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the US International Development Finance Corporation (USIDFC). Her appointment was confirmed by the US Senate, and she brings over thirty years of experience in the US Foreign Policy and International Development Program, the US Congress, and the private sector.


The election of James Ferguson Skea as the new chairman of the IPCC marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to combat climate change. His vast experience and expertise in climate science and sustainable energy are expected to shape the panel's work during its seventh evaluation cycle. With the IPCC playing a pivotal role in shaping climate policies worldwide, Skea's leadership comes at a critical juncture in humanity's fight against the climate crisis.


1. What is the IPCC?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an international body established by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988. It assesses and reports on the scientific knowledge related to climate change.

2. Who is James Ferguson Skea?

James Ferguson Skea, also known as Jim Skea, is a Professor of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College London and has been elected as the new chairman of the IPCC.

3. Who did James Ferguson Skea defeat in the election?

James Ferguson Skea defeated Thelma Krug of Brazil in the run-off election to become the new chairman of the IPCC.

4. What is the role of the IPCC chairman?

As the IPCC chairman, James Ferguson Skea will lead the panel through its seventh evaluation cycle, guiding its work in assessing and reporting on climate change science.

5. What is the mission of the IPCC?

The mission of the IPCC is to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts, and options for adaptation and mitigation.

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