Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 'National Anemia Eradication Mission' in Madhya Pradesh

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 'National Anemia Eradication Mission' in Madhya Pradesh

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 'National Anemia Eradication Mission' in Madhya Pradesh

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 1 July 2023 launched the National Sickle Cell Anemia Treatment Campaign-2047 among people in Lalpur village of Madhya Pradesh. The Prime Minister also provided sickle cell color-coded counseling cards to selected beneficiaries and personally handed over Ayushman cards and PVC Ayushman Bharat cards to the needy.

 To address the health challenges posed by sickle cell disease, especially among tribal communities, the government announced the National Sickle Cell Anemia Eradication Mission (NSCAEM) in the Union Budget 2023.
 Shri Modi launched the distribution of over 3 crores digital Ayushman cards in the country and 1 crore PVC Ayushman Bharat cards in MP. During this, a plan was started to celebrate the 500th birth anniversary of Rani Durgavati in India, a commemorative postage stamp was issued in her honor.
sickle cell disease (SCD)

 SCD is a chronic single-gene disease that causes a debilitating systemic syndrome characterized by anemia. Chronic anemia: This causes fatigue, weakness, and pallor. Acute pain (also known as sickle cell crisis): This can cause sudden and severe pain in the bones, chest, back, arms, and legs.
 Hydroxyurea: This drug may help reduce the frequency of pain continuations and prevent some of the long-term complications of the disease. It can also be treated by bone marrow or stem cell transplant.

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