Jharkhand will start 'Project Rail' to provide quality education

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Jharkhand will start 'Project Rail' to provide quality education

Jharkhand will start 'Project Rail' to provide quality education

 On July 6, 2023, Shashi Ranjan, Deputy Commissioner of Jharkhand's Khunti district, told in the meeting of the Education Department that Project Rail (Regular Assessment for Improved Learning) will be started to provide quality education to children in Khunti district.
 Project Rail will be run in selected 14 middle schools of Khunti block and two middle and high schools from each block. It will start from 14th July.
 Deputy Commissioner Shashi Ranjan said that under the project, weekly tests would be conducted in the selected schools based on objective questions based on the curriculum taught in Mathematics, Science and Social Science, to assess the level of learning of the children and their day.
 A key aspect of Project Rail is the implementation of weekly tests, designed to assess children's understanding of subjects taught in selected schools. These tests will be based on objective type questions as per the syllabus.

 For this, a dashboard will be created, in which weekly examinations, syllabus information and analysis of children's performance will be displayed. The dashboard will be linked to the National Informatics Center (NIC).

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