Tamil Nadu government issued SOP under the guidance of Animal Welfare Board of India for safe conduct of Jallikattu in the year 2025



Tamil Nadu Government Issues SOP for Safe Conduct of Jallikattu in 2025

Chennai, Tamil Nadu: The Tamil Nadu government has issued a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) under the guidance of the Animal Welfare Board of India for the safe conduct of Jallikattu in the year 2025. This move aims to ensure the safety of both the animals and participants, while also addressing concerns related to animal welfare and the proper handling of bulls.

Tamil Nadu government issued SOP under the guidance of Animal Welfare Board of India for safe conduct of Jallikattu in the year 2025
Tamil Nadu government issued SOP under the guidance of Animal Welfare Board of India for safe conduct of Jallikattu in the year 2025

Key Components of the SOP

Safety Measures for Participants

  1. Medical Facilities: Ensure the availability of medical facilities and trained personnel at the event venue to provide immediate care in case of injuries.
  2. Safety Barriers: Install safety barriers and fencing to prevent participants from being injured by the bulls.
  3. Training and Awareness: Conduct training sessions and awareness programs for participants to educate them on safety protocols and proper handling techniques.

Animal Welfare Guidelines

  1. Pre-Event Inspection: Conduct thorough inspections of the bulls before the event to ensure they are healthy and fit to participate.
  2. Proper Handling: Implement guidelines for the proper handling of bulls, including the use of appropriate equipment and techniques to minimize stress and injury.
  3. Veterinary Support: Ensure the presence of veterinarians at the event to monitor the health and well-being of the bulls and provide immediate care if needed.

Regulatory Compliance

  1. Permits and Licenses: Ensure that all necessary permits and licenses are obtained from the relevant authorities before conducting the event.
  2. Compliance with Laws: Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations related to animal welfare and the conduct of Jallikattu.
  3. Monitoring and Enforcement: Establish a monitoring and enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance with the SOP and take appropriate action against violations.

Public Awareness and Education

  1. Community Engagement: Engage with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of animal welfare and the safe conduct of Jallikattu.
  2. Educational Campaigns: Launch educational campaigns to inform the public about the SOP and the measures being taken to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals and participants.
  3. Media Outreach: Utilize media outreach to disseminate information about the SOP and promote awareness and understanding among the wider public.

Implementation and Enforcement

The Tamil Nadu government, in collaboration with the Animal Welfare Board of India, will oversee the implementation and enforcement of the SOP. Regular inspections and audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with the guidelines and address any issues or concerns that may arise.


The issuance of the SOP for the safe conduct of Jallikattu in 2025 is a significant step towards ensuring the safety and welfare of both the animals and participants. By adhering to these guidelines, the Tamil Nadu government aims to promote a responsible and humane approach to the traditional event, while also addressing the concerns and expectations of the public. This initiative reflects the government's commitment to upholding animal welfare standards and ensuring the safe and successful conduct of Jallikattu.

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