Odisha government launched 'Mo Jungle Jami Yojana'

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Odisha government launched 'Mo Jungle Jami Yojana'

Odisha government launched 'Mo Jungle Jami Yojana'

 The Odisha government has recently launched an unprecedented scheme named 'Mo Jungle Jami Yojana', which aims to promote forest rights among tribal communities and forest dwellers across the state.
 With this initiative, Odisha is set to become the first state in India to recognize individual and community forest rights. The Mo Jangal Jami Yojana scheme operates in conjunction with the Forest Rights Recognition Act (FRA) of 2006, which focuses on acknowledging the rights of Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers.

 The state is home to 62 types of tribes, out of which 13 are classified as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). They will benefit from this.

'Mo Jungle Jami Scheme'

 It aims at faster recognition of Progress in Individual Forest Rights (IFR), Community Rights (CR), and Community Forest Resource (CFR) rights in Odisha. Besides, providing livelihood support, creation of a record of rights of vested forest land with eligible claimants, and conversion of non-surveyed/forest villages into revenue villages.
 According to the 2011 census, the state ranks third in terms of Scheduled Tribe population at the national level. The tribal population of the state is 95,90,756 which is 22.85 percent of its total population.

 With the distribution of 4.56 lakh IFR titles in the country so far, Odisha is one of the leading states in the implementation of FRA. Out of about 53,845 villages in the state, about 32,562 are Forest Rights Act potential villages.

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