What is the type of fuel ?

3 minute read

What is the type of fuel?

Fuel is a substance whose burning produces a large amount of energy. Trains, motor cars, airplanes, rockets, etc. run by converting the heat produced by burning fuel into mechanical energy. This heat is used to heat water to form steam, which generates electricity by driving turbines. In this way, the chemical energy contained in the fuels is burnt and converted into heat energy and the heat energy into mechanical and electrical energy.

What is the type of fuel

There are three types of fuel- (1) solid fuel, (2) liquid fuel, and (3) gaseous fuel.
1. Base fuel: - This fuel includes wood, charcoal, pucca coal, etc. Humans have been using this fuel for thousands of years. Wax is also a type of solid fuel, which is used to make candles.

What is the type of fuel

2. Liquid fuel:- Petroleum is the main fuel in this fuel. From this, substances like petrol and gasoline are obtained, which are used to run motor vehicles. Kerosene, diesel, benzene, alcohol, etc. are also liquid fuels. These fuels are very useful in our common life.

3. Gaseous fuel: - Natural gas, coal gas, water gas, etc. come in this fuel. All these are used in fuel factories and homes. Butane gas is also a very useful fuel. The biggest advantage of these fuels is that there is no smoke in their burning.
What is the type of fuel

Nowadays scientists are engaged in generating nuclear power by using uranium metal as fuel, because of the increasing population in the world, there is a fear that the natural fuel reserves will soon be depleted. By using solar energy today, new devices are being made, so that freedom from energy crisis can be found.

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