The 11th meeting of the Executive Board of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) was held in Colombia

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The 11th meeting of the Executive Board of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) was held in Colombia

The 11th meeting of the Executive Board of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) was held in Colombia

 The Chief Election Commissioner of India, Shri Rajeev Kumar, along with a delegation from the Election Commission of India (ECI), attended the 11th meeting of the Executive Board of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) in Cartagena, Colombia, recently.

 During the meeting, CEC Shri Rajeev Kumar proposed two initiatives - setting up an A-web portal to act as a repository of electoral best practices and an A-web to recognize the significant contribution of EMBs to democratic processes Launch of Global Awards.
 Both proposals were approved by the Executive Board, which reflects A-WEB's commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in election management.

 The association, which includes 119 EMBs as members and 20 regional associations/organizations as associate members, provided an opportunity for Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) around the world to collaborate and address challenges affecting electoral integrity.
 One of the major challenges discussed during the Executive Board meeting was the spread of fake narratives that undermine electoral integrity.


 It was established in October 2013 in Seoul, Republic of Korea with a shared vision of strengthening election management processes in the member countries and achieving sustainable democracy around the world.

 ECI has been a member of its Executive Board for two consecutive terms (2013-15 and 2015-17). Held the office of Vice-Chairman for the term 2017-19, as Chairman for the term 2019-22, and is currently a member of its Executive Board for 2022-24.

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