Israel's parliament approves bill to limit Supreme Court's power

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Israel's parliament approves bill to limit Supreme Court's power

Israel's parliament approves bill to limit Supreme Court's power

 Israel's parliament adopted a controversial bill that would limit the Supreme Court's oversight powers. Holding 64 of the Knesset's 120 seats, Netanyahu's coalition secured the first of three votes needed to turn the new bill into law.
 The bill, presented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right governing coalition, won 56 out of 64 votes in favor. It now returns to the committee for discussion and may be changed before being brought up for a final vote.
 In this regard, concerns have been raised about the erosion of checks and balances by opposition groups within the government system.

 A video was released by Netanyahu to defend the bill, claiming that it strengthens democracy without harming the independence of the courts and civil rights.
 The bill has sparked unprecedented protests, sparking concern for Israel's democratic health among its Western allies.

Purpose of the bill

 The bill was passed with the main objective of limiting the power of the Supreme Court to nullify the decisions made by the government, ministries, and elected officials as unreasonable. Such a law can lead to corruption and abuse of power. Proponents claim that it will facilitate effective governance by reducing court interference.

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