Why is manure applied in the fields ?

3 minute read
Why is manure applied in the fields ?

Every farmer applies manure to his fields to produce a good crop. Even after applying manure, not all daughters are meant to produce crops, in some field less crop is produced, so more than anyone do you know why this happens ?
In addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen for proper growth of all plants. There are elements, which are very important to be present in the soil. These elements are nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, boron, zinc and copper, plants get carbon, hydrogen and oxygen from air and water, but the remaining 11 elements are obtained from the ground. are there. The soil in which these minerals are in abundance. It produces good crops. In the soil which does not have these minerals, then artificial manure is put in the ground and their husbandry is done. Therefore, manure is such a substance, by putting it in the ground, the necessary elements for the growth of plants are supplied.
Generally there are two types of fertilizers. One natural manure and the other chemical sap. Natural sap is usually made by rotting cow dung and hardwood. Chemical fertilizers contain salts of these eleven elements, which are made by artificial methods. Urea, ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulphate etc. are the main chemical fertilizers. By mixing the fertilizers in the soil, the plants get all the minerals through which they grow. Even after applying manure, if there is a deficiency of some nutrients in the soil, then the crop yields less. Today, by using many scientific methods, agricultural scientists analyze the soil and find out which type of fertilizer is needed for which farm. Today, producing good types of crops all over the world is the result of these researches. In India, there is a huge fertilizer factory in Sindri.

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