Why do food items not get spoiled for a long time by keeping them in the cold ?

3 minute read
Why do food items not get spoiled for a long time by keeping them in the cold ?

 Food items do not get spoiled for a long time by keeping them in low temperature. Especially if the water present in them is turned into ice, then even for months things do not rot. Do you know why foodstuffs do not rot at low temperatures ?
Why do foodstuffs not rot at low temperatures? The story of the development of the method of saving food from rotting by cold is very interesting. In 1798, some Norwegian inventors were sitting in their tents to escape the cold on the banks of the Lena River in northern Siberia, when they heard the sound of their dogs. When he came out of the tent, he saw that the dogs were busy scraping the snow with their feet.The dead body of a giant elephant was buried under the snow. The elephant's flesh was also frozen like snow. He cooked this elephant with a piece of meat. Its taste was just like fresh meat. Seeing this incident, there was no limit to their surprise. The flesh of this animal, buried in the snow for thousands of years, did not rot at all due to the cold. Since then, food items were saved from rotting by keeping them at low temperature.

 Now the question arises that why food items do not spoil at ice temperature? The process of decaying food items is done by micro-organisms. These bacteria are called bacteria. At normal temperature, their number increases very rapidly, due to which the food gets spoiled. Their growth slows down at low temperatures. Ha! When the water of food items freezes, their growth almost stops, because they do not get water and normal temperature to survive. This is the reason that the stored food does not spoil even for a long time.
Today many methods are used to preserve food items by low temperature. In one method, water present in food items is frozen by low temperature. In the second method, the food is kept at a low temperature by converting carbon dioxide gas into dry ice. The low temperature is produced by pressing the Freon gas in the refrigerator, So that the food does not spoil quickly. Techniques to prevent food from rotting by keeping it at a low temperature are being used on a large scale all over the world today. In the import and export of ice cream, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, these substances are saved from decomposition by these methods.

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