Why was the Taj Mahal built ?

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Why was the Taj Mahal built?

About 370 years ago, India was ruled by a Mughal king named Shah Jahan. Shah Jahan was married to Araj Mand Ban Begum (ruled by Atman and Mughal) in the year 1012. Shajata was in love with Veg and Kaah. In love, he used to call Begum Mumtaz-i-Mahal. Mumtaz-i-Mahal She was a beautiful and clever woman. They could not live without each other for even a moment. As a remembrance of you, you should build a tomb on my grave, which no one in the world has liked. In 1631, Mumtaz Mahal died while giving birth to a child in the city of Burhanpur. After the death of Mumtaz Mahal. Later Shah Jahan's life became deserted. He wanted to fulfill his Begum's wish in some way or the other.

Shah Jahan called high-class artists and craftsmen from countries like India, Persia, Central Asia, Turkey, Arabia, etc. to map the construction of a beautiful tomb as desired by his Begum. He made a map of this holy tomb symbolizing affection and in 1632 the construction of the Taj Mahal started on the southern bank of Jamuna river in Agra. To complete the construction work of this palace, 20,000 artisans worked for more than 20 years to make this most beautiful building in the world. Four crore rupees were spent at that time to make it.

The area in which the Taj Mahal is built is quadrangular. Its length and width are 580 and 304 meters (634 and 334 yards) respectively. Its milky platform made of white marble is 94 m (313 ft) long and 7 m (22 ft) high. It has four minarets on its four sides. In the center of the platform is the main dome, which is 60 meters (200 ft) high. The whole building is made of shining white (Dadhiya) marble. The verses of the Quran are inscribed on its walls by carvings from black marble. Along with this, beautiful bell boots are made on the walls, in which twelve types of precious stones are inlaid. The stone used for the construction of the Taj Mahal was imported from Arabia, Egypt, Tibet, and many parts of their country. The inside of the Taj Mahal is octagonal. In its lower part are the tombs of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz-e-Mahal, which are decorated with precious stones. There are beautiful gardens around it.
Shah Jaha wanted to build a similar Taj Mahal for himself on the other bank of the Jamuna in black marble and a silver bridge over the river to reach both buildings, but his wish could not be fulfilled, because his only son He put him in jail to become the emperor himself. Shah Jahan used to see the Taj Mahal, the tomb of his beloved Mumtaz, from the jail itself.

This unique monument of love, the Taj Mahal is today the main attraction of tourists from our country and abroad. Every year lakhs of people from all over the country and abroad come to see this grand building. The shade of the Taj Mahal is unique on moonlit nights. On the night of Sharad Purnima, when the sky is very clear, then it seems that this marble Shokh Tomb bathed in milky moonlight, has become a silver mausoleum and white pearls studded on marble are the stars of the sky.

Why was the Taj Mahal built?

The Taj Mahal is one of the most iconic monuments in the world, attracting millions of visitors every year. But what is the story behind this magnificent mausoleum? Why did the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan build it? And what does it symbolize?

The Taj Mahal was built as a tribute to the love of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631 while giving birth to their 14th child. Shah Jahan was heartbroken by her death and decided to honor her memory by constructing a grand tomb for her. He commissioned the best architects, craftsmen, and artists from India, Persia, and beyond to work on the project, which began in 1632 and took over 20 years to complete.
The Taj Mahal is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements of Indian, Persian, and Islamic influences. The main structure is a white marble mausoleum with a dome and four minarets, surrounded by a garden, a mosque, a guest house, and a gateway. The mausoleum houses the cenotaphs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan, while their actual graves are in a lower chamber.

The Taj Mahal is renowned for its exquisite beauty and intricate details. The white marble is inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones, forming floral patterns and calligraphic inscriptions. The dome is decorated with lotus motifs and finials. The minarets are tilted slightly outward to prevent them from falling on the mausoleum in case of an earthquake. The garden is designed as a representation of paradise, with fountains, pools, and pathways.
The Taj Mahal is also a symbol of the cultural and artistic achievements of the Mughal Empire, which reached its zenith under Shah Jahan's rule. The Mughals were patrons of art, literature, music, and science, and fostered a cosmopolitan and tolerant society. The Taj Mahal reflects their vision of harmony and elegance.

The Taj Mahal is more than just a monument; it is a testament to the power of love and the glory of art. It is a wonder of the world that has inspired generations of admirers and imitators. It is a legacy that will endure for centuries to come.

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