South Africa to chair 15th BRICS summit in 2023

 Recently, the annual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of BRICS was organized in New York on the sidelines of the 77th session of the
United Nations General Assembly During this meeting, it was announced to give the chairmanship of BRICS to South Africa in 2023.

 All the members of the group gave their full support to this decision. Under this, the 15th BRICS summit will be held in South Africa. Let us tell you that the 14th summit was chaired by China in the year 2022.

 The Ministers also called for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental. The Ministers also welcomed the Transforming Education Summit convened by the United Nations Secretary-General from 16 to 19 September 2022. On this, they emphasized on the implementation of the United Nations Education 2030 Agenda by the BRICS countries and it also reaffirmed its commitment to promote access to education and equity, etc.


 BRICS is an acronym for the grouping of the world's five leading emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRICS brings together the five largest developing countries in the world, representing 41% of the global population, 24% of global GDP and 16% of global trade.

BRICS is not an international inter- governmental organization, nor is it established under any treaty. It can be called a unified platform of five countries. The top leaders of the BRICS countries and other ministerial conferences are held annually. The BRICS summit is chaired annually by the Supreme Leader of the member countries in the order B-R-I-C-S.

 BRICS was discussed in 2001 by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill in a report on the growth prospects for the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. 

 In 2006, the four countries began a regular informal diplomatic coordination with annual meetings of foreign ministers at the end of the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly. This successful interaction led to the decision that it should be organized as an annual summit at the level of heads of state and government.

 The first BRIC summit took place in 2009 in Yekaterinburg, Russia and discussed issues such as reforming the global financial system. In December 2010, South Africa was invited to join the BRIC and became known as BRICS.

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