Atul Chaturvedi appointed first president of Asia Palm Oil Alliance

 On September 21, 2022, Atul Chaturvedi of India has been elected as the President of Asia Palm Oil Alliance (APOA). He is the first president of this global organization. Atul Chaturvedi is the Director of Adani Wilmar Limited and the President of Solvent Extractors Association (SEA) of India.


 APOA’s full name is Asia Palm Oil Alliance. It was launched on September 21, 2022 during the Globoil Summit in Agra. The top edible oil industry associations of Asia's five major palm oil importing countries India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal are its founding members.

 The APOA Secretariat will be initially managed by the Solvent Extractors Association (SEA) of India. APOA will work towards increasing sustainable palm oil consumption in member countries. The formation of APOA empowers many Asian countries for whom palm oil is a source of affordable food and nutrition.

 The creation of APOA will support and accelerate the transition towards a sustainable and inclusive palm oil industry in Asia. This is expected to protect the economic and commercial interests of palm oil consuming countries and create a level playing field for all fats and oils used in food etc. in Asia. Membership may be expanded in the coming years.

 Significantly, palm oil is a source of nutrition and provides a far higher yield at a lower cost of production than other vegetable oils.

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