Pakistan will launch its first lunar mission ‘ICUBE-Q’ on China’s lunar mission ‘Chang’e-6’


Pakistan to Launch First Lunar Mission 'ICUBE-Q' on China's Chang'e-6 Mission

Overview of Pakistan's First Lunar Mission

Pakistan is set to launch its first lunar mission, ICUBE-Q, aboard China's upcoming Chang'e-6 lunar mission. This historic collaboration between Pakistan and China represents a significant milestone for Pakistan's space program and reinforces international cooperation in lunar exploration.

Pakistan will launch its first  lunar mission ‘ICUBE-Q’ on  China’s lunar mission ‘Chang’e-6’
Pakistan will launch its first  lunar mission ‘ICUBE-Q’ on  China’s lunar mission ‘Chang’e-6’

Details of the Chang'e-6 Mission

China's Chang'e-6 Lunar mission aims to collect soil and rock samples from the far side of the Moon, a region largely unexplored, providing valuable insights into the Moon's early evolution and the inner Solar System. The spacecraft consists of an orbiter, lander, ascender, and re-entry module, with a goal to land in the South Pole-Aitken Basin and collect samples. This mission will carry a total of 10 kg of foreign equipment, including scientific instruments from France, Italy, and the European Space Agency.

The Chang'e-6 mission is preparing for launch aboard a Long March-5 Y8 carrier rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Site in southern China's Hainan province. The mission's aim to land on the far side of the Moon and collect samples is of high scientific importance, contributing to our understanding of the Moon's geology and history.

ICUBE-Q: Pakistan's First Lunar Mission

ICUBE-Q is developed in collaboration with Shanghai University in China and Pakistan's Institute of Space Technology (IST). The mission is equipped with optical cameras to capture images of the lunar surface, contributing to the scientific objectives of the Chang'e-6 mission. The inclusion of Pakistan's payload on the Chang'e-6 mission enhances international partnerships in space exploration.

This collaboration allows Pakistan to leverage China's expertise in lunar exploration, advancing its space program's capabilities. It is an essential step in Pakistan's journey toward becoming an active participant in space exploration.

Context and Significance of Chang'e Missions

The Chang'e missions are part of China's broader lunar exploration program, with Chang'e-6 following in the footsteps of previous successful missions. China's Chang'e-4 mission, launched earlier, landed in the Von Kármán crater on January 2, 2019, with the Yutu 2 rover. The spacecraft set a record for operating 1,000 days on the Moon, surpassing the previous record of 321 days set by the Soviet Union's robotic Lunokhod 1 rover.


The launch of Pakistan's first lunar mission, ICUBE-Q, on China's Chang'e-6 mission marks a significant achievement in Pakistan's space program and international cooperation in lunar exploration. As Chang'e-6 prepares for its journey to the Moon's far side, the mission is poised to make valuable contributions to our understanding of the Moon's geology and history. This collaboration demonstrates the potential of international partnerships in advancing space exploration and scientific discovery.

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