India will host the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

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India to Host 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in Kochi, Kerala

Overview of the Upcoming ATCM 46

India is set to host the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM 46) and the 26th meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP 26) in Kochi, Kerala, from May 20 to 30, 2024. The National Center for Polar and Ocean Research, under the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences, will organize the event, which is expected to attract over 350 delegates from more than 60 countries. These meetings serve as key platforms for discussions on environmental, scientific, and governance issues related to Antarctica.

India will host the 46th  Antarctic Treaty Consultative  Meeting
India will host the 46th  Antarctic Treaty Consultative  Meeting

Significance of the ATCM and CEP Meetings

The Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting is a forum where Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties (Member States) and other stakeholders meet to discuss and address key issues affecting Antarctica. The Committee for Environmental Protection is responsible for advising the ATCM on matters related to environmental protection and conservation in Antarctica. The meetings provide an opportunity to evaluate the progress of the Antarctic Treaty System and to address emerging challenges in protecting the unique environment of Antarctica.

India's Role in Antarctic Exploration

India signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1983 and has since been actively engaged in Antarctic exploration and research. The Government of India launched its first scientific expedition to Antarctica in 1981, and the first Indian Antarctic research station, Dakshin Gangotri, was established in 1983. Since then, India has built two permanent research stations, Maitri (1989) and Bharati (2012), where it conducts year-round research.

India's commitment to Antarctica was further solidified with the passage of the Antarctic Act by Parliament, which came into force in 2022. This act provides a legal framework for India's Antarctic expeditions and helps ensure that its activities in the region align with the principles of the Antarctic Treaty System.

About the Antarctic Treaty and its Significance

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., in 1959 and came into force in 1961. The treaty initially had 12 signatory countries and has since grown to include 56 countries. The Antarctic Treaty declares Antarctica a demilitarized zone and aims to promote scientific cooperation and environmental protection in the region.

The Environmental Protection Committee, established in 1991 under the Environmental Protection Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol), advises the ATCM on environmental protection and conservation in Antarctica. The Permanent Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, serving as the administrative hub for the Antarctic Treaty System.


Hosting the 46th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the 26th meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection is a significant achievement for India. It demonstrates India's active role in promoting international cooperation and environmental protection in Antarctica. These meetings in Kochi will bring together key stakeholders from around the world to discuss crucial issues related to the preservation and sustainable use of Antarctica's unique environment. As the world continues to focus on climate change and environmental sustainability, these discussions will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Antarctic governance and exploration.

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