Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hussain Amir-Abdullah died in helicopter crash

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Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi
and Foreign Minister Hussain Amir-
Abdullah died in helicopter crash
 Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi,
External Affairs Minister Hussain
Amir-Abdullahian and a group of
officers accompanying him have
died in a helicopter crash in the
northwest Iran.
 The IRNA News Agency, quoting
the President of the Iranian Red
Crisant Society, said, the helicopter
debris has been found and there is
no mark of life at the accident site.
 The helicopter hard landing took
place on 19 May 2024 after facing
difficulties due to dense fog in the
north of the country.
 President Raisi was going back to
Iran after Azerbaijan's visit when
her helicopter crashed. He was in
this position since 2021. On May 19,
2024, Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi
inaugurated the third dam Kalasi,
jointly built by Iran and Azerbaijan
on the Aaras River.
 According to the protocol, with the
death of President Raisi, the
supreme leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei should take power till
the approval of Khamenei. Then
new elections will have to be held
within 50 days.
 Iran - Israel
 Israel has been behind many
courageous attacks on important
establishments as well as
important personalities within
Iran. In a stunning operation in
2020, Iranian nuclear scientist
Mohsin Fakhrijadeh was
assassinated, which Iran called a
new type of "complex operation"
 The murder of 11 Israelis at the
1972 Munich Olympics inspired
Israel to adopt a strategy that
continues to date: deploying secret
henchmen abroad to kill their
 Ever since Mossad Khufia Seva
started his operation "Rath of God"
for searching for senior militants
convicted for the Munich massacre,
it has secretly targeted Israel's
enemies abroad.
 ICC Prosecutor Seeks Arrest of
Israeli and Hamas Leaders The
Chief Prosecutor of the
International Criminal Court (ICC)
has been a statement on its
application for arrests Anyahu and
Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar in
Gaza for War Crimes.
 Court Prosecutor karim khan kc
had said there are Reasonable
Grounds to Believe That The Two
Men Have Taken Criminal
Responsibility for War Crimes and
Crimes Against Humanity SINCE
ATAST 7 Octobure.
 A Panel of ICC Judges will now
consider Khan's application for an
Arrest Warrant. Any ICC Arrest
Warrant Against Senior Israeli
Government and Military Officials
"Bold be an insult to historic
proportions" and israel "have an
independent legal system".
 Israel and the united States are not
members of the ICC. Based in the
Hague, NeTherlands, and Created
by a Treaty Called The Rome
Statute, First BROUGHT BEFORE The
United Nations, The ICC Operates
Independent. Most Countries - 124
of Them - Are Parties to the Treaty.
 Under the court's rules, all
signatories to the rome statute
have an obligation to cooperate full
with its decisions. This will make it
extramely different for netanyahu
when traveling internationally.
 The decision puts netanyahu in the
company of Russian President
Vladimir Putin and Libyan
Strongman Mammar Gaddafi.

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