Defense Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the G20 Engagement Group 'Civil-20' summit in Jaipur

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Defense Minister Rajnath Singh Inaugurates the G20 Engagement Group 'Civil-20' Summit in Jaipur

The Civil 20 (C20) India Summit was inaugurated on July 29, 2023, in Jaipur, Rajasthan, by none other than Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh, the Defense Minister of India. The C20, established in 2013 as the official G20 Engagement Group, serves as a platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to present their non-governmental perspectives on various global issues.

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the G20 Engagement Group 'Civil-20' summit in Jaipur
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated the G20 Engagement Group 'Civil-20' summit in Jaipur

A Platform for CSOs to Express Their Views

The C20 summit is a significant event that brings together numerous CSOs from different parts of the world. These organizations are dedicated to addressing critical matters ranging from social and economic development to human rights and environmental concerns. This gathering allows them to engage with policymakers and other stakeholders, enabling an exchange of ideas and policy recommendations.

Distinguished Dignitaries in Attendance

During the inauguration ceremony, notable figures graced the event, including C20 President Mata Amritanandamayi, Minister of Industries, State Enterprises, Devasthan of Rajasthan Mrs. Shakuntala Rawat, and Jaipur City MP Mr. Ramcharan Bohra. The summit boasts the participation of around 700 delegates from India and abroad, all contributing their unique perspectives and experiences to the discussions.

Five Sessions, Numerous Topics

The C20 summit is a three-day program consisting of five sessions that delve into various topics of global significance. These sessions are designed to facilitate comprehensive and in-depth discussions on critical issues impacting society, economy, and the environment.

Policy Recommendations for a Better World

The summit aims to present policy recommendations that have been meticulously prepared by 16 working groups. These recommendations are the result of extensive consultations with civil society organizations and policymakers from across the globe. The insights shared during these discussions are valuable in shaping policies that can foster positive change and address pressing challenges.

Diverse Domains Under Focus

The C20 groups are diligently working on diverse domains to propose innovative solutions to global challenges. These domains encompass integrated holistic health, education, digital transformation, gender equality, technology, security, and transparency. By addressing these areas, the C20 aims to contribute to the advancement of societies worldwide.

The Evolution of G20

The G20, established in 1999, gained prominence during the aftermath of the 2008 global economic and financial crisis. It transformed from a forum for financial cooperation to a platform for international economic cooperation, bringing together leaders of nations to discuss and collaborate on matters of global importance.

A Multifaceted Scope

The G20 has since expanded its scope significantly. It now covers a wide range of fields, including sustainable development, health, energy, environment, and anti-corruption efforts. While primarily focused on economic matters, the G20 acknowledges the interdependence of various factors affecting global progress.


The Civil 20 India Summit in Jaipur is a crucial gathering that facilitates dialogue between civil society organizations and policymakers. By providing a platform for diverse perspectives and policy recommendations, it plays a vital role in shaping a better future for the world. The engagement of CSOs from across the globe emphasizes the importance of collective efforts in tackling global challenges. The summit reinforces the significance of international cooperation and collaboration in addressing issues that affect us all.


1. What is the purpose of the C20 India Summit?

The C20 India Summit serves as a platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to present their non-governmental perspectives on various global issues and engage with policymakers.

2. Who inaugurated the C20 India Summit in Jaipur?

The C20 India Summit was inaugurated by Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh, the Defense Minister of India.

3. How many working groups contributed to the policy recommendations?

The policy recommendations presented at the C20 India Summit were prepared by 16 working groups.

4. What are the main domains the C20 groups are working on?

The C20 groups are focusing on domains such as integrated holistic health, education, digital transformation, gender equality, technology, security, and transparency.

5. What is the significance of the G20?

The G20 is a premier forum for international economic cooperation, bringing together leaders of nations to discuss and collaborate on matters of global importance.

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