Indian woman sarpanch will represent the country in the program of United Nations Population and Development Commission in New York.

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Indian Women Sarpanches to Represent India at UN Population and Development Commission in New York

Women Leaders from Indian Panchayats Representing at the UN Event

Three women sarpanches from Tripura, Rajasthan, and Andhra Pradesh are set to represent India at an event held during the 57th meeting of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) in New York, USA. This significant event takes place from 30 April to 3 May 2024, offering a platform for these women leaders to share their stories and insights on gender equality and women's empowerment.

The program is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Panchayati Raj and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) India on the final day of the CPD meeting. The participation of these women leaders underscores the importance of grassroots leadership and the role of women in driving social change.

Indian woman sarpanch will represent the country in the program of United Nations Population and Development Commission in New York.
Indian woman sarpanch will represent the country in the program of United Nations Population and Development Commission in New York.

Women Sarpanches Representing India

The three women representing India at the UN event are:

  • Supriya Das Dutta: President of Sipahijala Zilla Parishad in Tripura, who launched the 'Amader Kotha Shunte Hobe' initiative, encouraging women to raise their issues in Gram Sabhas.
  • Kunuku Hema Kumari: Sarpanch of Pekeru Gram Panchayat in Andhra Pradesh, who advocates for women's representation and empowerment in local governance.
  • Neeru Yadav: Sarpanch of Lambi Ahir Gram Panchayat in Rajasthan, known as the "Hockey Sarpanch" for promoting sports and education in her community.

These women have been instrumental in implementing innovative programs to address gender inequality, promote environmental sustainability, and empower women in their respective regions. Their stories inspire others and highlight the critical role of women in local governance.

Contributions and Achievements of the Women Sarpanches

Supriya Das Dutta's initiative, 'Amader Kotha Shunte Hobe,' focuses on increasing women's representation in male-dominated forums. She encourages women to raise their voices about issues affecting their work, projects, and communities.

Neeru Yadav has gained recognition for her efforts in promoting education, sports, and environmental sustainability in Rajasthan's Jhunjhunu district. Her 'Mera Ped-Mera Dost Campaign' involves giving trees as Kanyadaan during weddings, providing pensions to the elderly and disabled, and connecting schools with computer education.

Objective of the UN Event

The Ministry of Panchayati Raj aims to highlight the role and potential of women elected representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions in advancing gender equality and women's empowerment. By sharing their experiences at the UN event, these women leaders contribute to a broader conversation on how grassroots leadership can drive positive change.

The UNFPA, which has been operating in India since 1974, plays a vital role in promoting sexual and reproductive health. As part of its 50th-anniversary celebrations in India, the UNFPA invited women elected representatives to speak about the potential of Panchayati Raj institutions in achieving gender equality and women's empowerment.


The participation of Indian women sarpanches at the UN Commission on Population and Development event in New York is a significant milestone. It highlights the leadership and impact of women at the grassroots level in India. These women represent the strength and resilience of Indian communities and serve as role models for others seeking to promote gender equality and women's empowerment. Their stories demonstrate the importance of local governance and the transformative power of women in leadership roles.

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