India, UN launch capacity building initiative to promote development in the Global South

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India, UN Launch Capacity Building Initiative to Promote Development in the Global South

Explore how India and the United Nations have collaborated to launch the 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative,' aiming to share India's development expertise with countries in the Global South. Discover the impact of this initiative on sustainable development goals and technology infrastructure.


In a world where cooperation and knowledge sharing are key to global progress, India and the United Nations have taken a significant step forward. They have jointly launched the 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative,' a groundbreaking endeavor aimed at capacity building in countries of the Global South. This initiative not only reflects the spirit of collaboration but also underscores the commitment to fostering development in regions facing economic challenges. In this article, we will delve into the details of this initiative, its goals, and the impact it is poised to have on the Global South.

Explore how India and the United Nations have collaborated to launch the 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative,' aiming to share India's development expertise with countries in the Global South. Discover the impact of this initiative on sustainable development goals and technology infrastructure.
India, UN launch capacity building initiative to promote development in the Global South

Understanding the Global South

Before we delve into the specifics of the initiative, it's important to understand what is meant by the term 'Global South.' This term encompasses regions such as Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia (excluding Israel, Japan, and South Korea), and Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand). These areas generally experience lower levels of economic prosperity compared to their counterparts in the Global North. The concept of the Global South was initially defined by former German Chancellor Willy Brandt in the 1980s as a way to highlight the North-South economic divide based on per capita GDP.

The 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative'

The 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative' builds on the success of India's G20 presidency, which has championed the inclusion of voices from the Global South on the G20 agenda. This initiative is a testament to India's commitment to sharing its development experiences, best practices, and expertise with the world.
Under this capacity-building effort, the UN-India team collaborates with the Gates Foundation, leveraging India's platform for technical and economic cooperation. The primary aim is to disseminate India's development experiences and best practices globally, thereby catalyzing positive change.

Advancing Sustainable Development Goals

One of the pivotal aspects of this initiative is its alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During India's G20 Presidency, the G20 Action Plan was established to advance these goals. By actively implementing these development objectives, the initiative not only contributes to global sustainability but also underscores the commitment to the betterment of the Global South.

Enhancing Technology and Digital Infrastructure

In an increasingly digitized world, technology and digital infrastructure play a pivotal role in development. The 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative' recognizes this importance and places a strong emphasis on enhancing technology and digital infrastructure across the Global South. This will empower nations to harness the potential of technology for their development needs.

The Impact of the Initiative

The 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative' holds immense promise for the Global South. By sharing India's development journey and expertise, it fosters a sense of collaboration and mutual learning among nations facing similar challenges. This initiative isn't just about sharing knowledge; it's about creating a global community that works together towards sustainable development.

Strengthening Diplomatic Relations

The official announcement of this initiative during the event titled 'India-UN for the Global South: Delivering for Development' in New York, USA, signifies the diplomatic strength of this partnership. It was attended by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Denis Francis, President of the 78th General Assembly. This collaboration strengthens diplomatic ties and showcases the commitment to working together for a brighter future.

Bridging Economic Disparities

Economic disparities often create barriers to development. By focusing on the Global South, this initiative acknowledges the need to bridge these disparities. Through capacity building and knowledge sharing, it aims to uplift nations facing economic challenges, ultimately leading to more balanced global prosperity.


Q: What is the primary goal of the 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative'?

 The primary goal is to share India's development experiences and expertise with countries in the Global South through capacity building and training programs.

Q: How does this initiative align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

 This initiative actively implements the development goals established during India's G20 Presidency, including the G20 Action Plan to advance the SDGs.

Q: Why is technology and digital infrastructure emphasized in this initiative?

 In an increasingly digital world, technology is crucial for development. This initiative aims to enhance technology and digital infrastructure in the Global South to empower nations for sustainable growth.

Q: Who attended the official announcement event of this initiative?

 The event was attended by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Denis Francis, President of the 78th General Assembly, signifying the diplomatic strength of this partnership.

Q: What regions are included in the concept of the Global South?

 The Global South broadly includes regions such as Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia (excluding Israel, Japan, and South Korea), and Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand).

Q: How can this initiative contribute to bridging economic disparities?

 By focusing on capacity building and knowledge sharing, this initiative aims to uplift nations facing economic challenges, ultimately leading to more balanced global prosperity.


The 'India-United Nations Capacity Building Initiative' represents a significant step towards global cooperation and development. It showcases India's commitment to sharing its development experiences and expertise with countries in the Global South. By aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals and emphasizing technology and digital infrastructure, this initiative has the potential to foster sustainable growth and create a brighter future for all nations involved. It's a testament to the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing on a global scale.

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