UN Women releases progress report ‘Gender Snapshot 2023’ on Sustainable Development Goals

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UN Women Releases Progress Report ‘Gender Snapshot 2023’ on Sustainable Development Goals

Discover the key findings of the UN Women's latest report, 'Gender Snapshot 2023,' highlighting the challenges and progress towards achieving gender equality by 2030.


In a world striving for gender equality, the latest report from UN Women and UN DESA, 'Gender Snapshot 2023,' shines a spotlight on the grim reality of progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 - gender equality. As we approach the halfway mark to 2030, this report paints a concerning picture. We'll delve into the key findings of this report, exploring the challenges and opportunities on the path to gender equality.

UN Women releases progress report ‘Gender Snapshot 2023’ on Sustainable Development Goals

Discover the key findings of the UN Women's latest report, 'Gender Snapshot 2023,' highlighting the challenges and progress towards achieving gender equality by 2030.
UN Women releases progress report ‘Gender Snapshot 2023’ on Sustainable Development Goals

The Current State of Gender Equality

Progress on SDG 5

Halfway through the timeline set by the United Nations for achieving gender equality by 2030, the progress on SDG 5 has clearly derailed. Shockingly, only two Goal 5 indicators are "close to target," and none have reached the "target met or almost met" level. This raises significant concerns about the pace of change needed to reach gender equality.

Poverty and Food Insecurity

If current trends persist, more than 340 million women and girls will continue to live in extreme poverty by 2030. Additionally, one in four will experience moderate or severe food insecurity. These alarming statistics underscore the urgent need for action to address economic disparities.

Climate Change and Food Insecurity

Human-induced climate change poses a growing threat, potentially exacerbating food insecurity. Under a worst-case climate scenario, over 236 million women and girls could face food insecurity. This intersection of climate change and gender equality requires immediate attention.

Gender Gap in Power and Leadership

The gender gap in positions of power and leadership remains deeply entrenched. At the current rate of progress, the next generation of women will still spend an average of 2.3 hours more per day on unpaid care and domestic work than men. Breaking these barriers is essential for achieving true gender equality.

Intimate Partner Violence

Disturbingly, no country is currently on track to eliminate intimate partner violence. This pressing issue demands comprehensive strategies and policy changes to ensure the safety and well-being of women.

Workplace Gender Parity

Despite strides in various fields, women's share of workplace management positions will remain below parity even by 2050. Achieving equality in leadership roles must be a priority.

Girls' Education

While reasonable progress has been made in girls' education, completion rates remain below the universal mark. Ensuring that all girls have access to quality education is vital for achieving gender equality.

The Birth of UN Women

In July 2010, the UN General Assembly established UN Women, the UN Unit for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, to tackle these multifaceted challenges head-on. UN Women plays a pivotal role in advancing gender equality worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How does the 'Gender Snapshot 2023' report contribute to gender equality efforts?

The report assesses the current state of gender equality, highlighting areas that require immediate attention and action.

Q: What are the key challenges identified in the report?

 The report identifies challenges such as slow progress on SDG 5, persistent poverty and food insecurity among women, the impact of climate change on food security, the gender gap in leadership, intimate partner violence, and the need to improve girls' education.

Q: Why is the gender gap in leadership roles a significant concern?

Gender parity in leadership roles is essential for decision-making and policy implementation that benefit women. Without equal representation, the needs of women may go unaddressed.

Q: How can individuals contribute to gender equality efforts?

Individuals can support gender equality by advocating for policy changes, promoting women's rights, and challenging stereotypes and biases in their communities.

Q: What role does UN Women play in addressing these challenges?

UN Women leads global efforts to promote gender equality and women's empowerment through advocacy, policy development, and on-the-ground programs.

Q: What can governments do to eliminate intimate partner violence?

Governments can enact legislation, provide resources for survivors, and raise awareness about intimate partner violence to eliminate this pervasive issue.


The 'Gender Snapshot 2023' report is a wake-up call, reminding us of the critical work that remains to achieve gender equality by 2030. It is incumbent upon governments, organizations, and individuals to take action, address these challenges, and create a world where gender equality is not just a goal but a reality.


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