Elon Musk launches Starlink satellite internet service in Indonesia

3 minute read
Elon Musk launches
Starlink satellite internet
service in Indonesia
 Elon Musk has launched Starlink
satellite internet service in
Indonesia, the world's largest
archipelagic nation. Mr Musk
launched the Starlink service with
Indonesian Health Minister Budi
Gunadi Sadikin in Denpasar, the
provincial capital of Bali.
 Indonesia is a vast archipelago of
17,000 islands spread across three
time zones with a population of
more than 270 million. Mr Musk
took a speed test of Starlink
internet service with several health
workers in remote areas of
 They also signed an agreement to
increase connectivity in the health
and education sectors of the
country. Details about the
agreement between the
Indonesian government and Mr
Musk's SpaceX, the aerospace
company that operates Starlink
services, were not provided.
 During his first personal visit to
Bali, Mr Musk is also scheduled to
attend the 10th World Water
Forum, which seeks to address
global water and sanitation
 Starlink Network
 This is an important project of
SpaceX. Through this, the company
started providing space internet
facility in the United States and
Canada by the year 2020.
 In the first phase of this project,
12,000 satellites were placed in low
Earth orbit (Low Earth Orbit) 550
km above the Earth's surface. After
this, there is an intention to install
30,000 satellites in the same
category in the second phase.
 SpaceX's first Starlink mission was
launched on May 24, 2019, carrying
60 satellites.

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