Narsingh Yadav has been appointed to the post of Chairman of the Athletes Commission of Indian Wrestling Federation.

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Narsingh Yadav: Chairman of the Athletes Commission of the Wrestling Federation of India

The Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) has recently appointed Narsingh Pancham Yadav as the new Chairman of the Athletes Commission. This move marks a significant step in reshaping the governance and representation of athletes in Indian wrestling. Here, we'll dive into the importance of this appointment, the role of the United World Wrestling (UWW), and the broader context of the Indian Wrestling Federation's governance changes.

Narsingh Yadav has been appointed to the post of Chairman of the Athletes Commission of Indian Wrestling Federation.

Narsingh Yadav's Journey and Achievements

Narsingh Pancham Yadav is not just a prominent figure in Indian wrestling but also a former Commonwealth Games gold medalist. His career has been marked by achievements and resilience, which have contributed to his recognition and respect within the wrestling community. As a result, his election to the post of Chairman of the Athletes Commission of the WFI on April 24, 2024, was seen as a positive development.

Formation of the Athletes Commission: A Mandate from UWW

The formation of the Athletes Commission in the WFI was mandated by the UWW, the international governing body for wrestling. This mandate came after the UWW lifted its suspension of the WFI, stipulating that the new Sanjay Singh-led national federation must create an Athletes Commission to address and resolve wrestlers' complaints.

The Athletes Commission plays a critical role in ensuring that athletes have a voice in the federation's decision-making processes. It acts as a bridge between the athletes and the governing bodies, allowing for open communication and transparency in the management of the sport.

Other Members of the Athletes Commission

Narsingh Yadav is not alone in this commission. Several other members were elected alongside him to represent various regions across India. The complete list of the Athletes Commission includes:

  • Sahil (Delhi)
  • Smita A S (Kerala)
  • Bharatiya Bhaghei (Uttar Pradesh)
  • Khushboo S Pawar (Gujarat)
  • Nikki (Haryana)
  • Shweta Dubey (Bengal)

These members bring a diverse range of experiences and perspectives, ensuring that the Athletes Commission can address the needs of wrestlers from different backgrounds.

United World Wrestling: An Overview

The United World Wrestling (UWW) is the international governing body for wrestling, overseeing the sport's regulations, competitions, and governance. The UWW's headquarters is in Corsier-sur-Vevay, Switzerland. The organization was founded in 1912 under the name International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA). In 2014, it was renamed United World Wrestling, reflecting a more inclusive approach to the sport.

The UWW's role in lifting the suspension of the WFI was crucial for Indian wrestling's resurgence. The mandate to create an Athletes Commission was one of the key requirements for the WFI to regain its standing on the international stage.

Governance and Structure of the Reserve Bank of India

In addition to developments in Indian wrestling, it's worth mentioning the recent news about the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Government of India has extended the tenure of T Rabi Shankar as Deputy Governor of the RBI for another year from May 3, 2024, or until further orders. This extension is part of a broader governance structure that includes several other Deputy Governors.

The Reserve Bank of India, established on April 1, 1935, under the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934, plays a central role in India's financial system. It was nationalized in 1949, and it is 100 percent owned by the Government of India. Section 8 of the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 provides for the appointment of more than four Deputy Governors. Currently, the RBI has four Deputy Governors: Swaminathan J, T Rabi Shankar, M Rajeshwar Rao, and Dr. MD Patra.


The appointment of Narsingh Yadav as the Chairman of the Athletes Commission of the Wrestling Federation of India signifies a positive shift towards greater representation and governance within Indian wrestling. It aligns with the requirements set by the United World Wrestling and lays a solid foundation for the future of the sport in India.

Meanwhile, the extension of T Rabi Shankar's tenure as Deputy Governor of the RBI underscores the importance of stable governance within India's financial sector. Both these developments reflect ongoing efforts to strengthen leadership and representation across various sectors in India.

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