Indian Navy's participation in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' held in Australia

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Indian Navy's Participation in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' Held in Australia: Enhancing Maritime Cooperation

Learn about the Indian Navy's active involvement in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' maritime exercise held in Australia. Explore how INS Sahyadri, INS Kolkata, and INS Vagir participated, enhancing inter-operability and maritime security operations.


The Indian Navy's participation in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' maritime exercise, conducted from 22-25 August 2023 in Sydney, Australia, marked a significant chapter in fostering maritime cooperation and strengthening ties between the Indian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). This biennial exercise has become a pivotal platform for both nations to demonstrate their commitment to inter-operability, maritime security, and the exchange of best practices.

Learn about the Indian Navy's active involvement in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' maritime exercise held in Australia. Explore how INS Sahyadri, INS Kolkata, and INS Vagir participated, enhancing inter-operability and maritime security operations.
Indian Navy's participation  in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' held  in Australia

Indian Naval Vessels and Submarine in the Exercise

INS Sahyadri, INS Kolkata, HMAS Chawls, and HMAS Brisbane from RAN took center stage in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' exercise. Notably, this edition witnessed a historic participation – the inclusion of the Indian submarine, INS Vagir. This marked a monumental moment, highlighting the Indian Navy's enhanced capabilities and its dedication to strengthening regional security.

Significance of 'AUSINDEX-23'

The 'AUSINDEX' series of exercises, which commenced in 2015, have evolved into major biennial maritime events, proving instrumental in fostering cooperation between the Indian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy. These exercises have provided a unique opportunity for both navies to enhance their inter-operability, understand each other's procedures, and jointly develop strategies for maritime security operations.

Previous Editions and Achievements

The previous edition of 'AUSINDEX' took place in Australia in 2021, showcasing the continuing commitment of both nations to strengthening their maritime partnership. The 2019 edition held in the Bay of Bengal marked a significant milestone, introducing anti-submarine exercises for the first time. The exercises have consistently evolved to incorporate new challenges and scenarios, contributing to the growth of maritime capabilities.

Malabar 23 Exercise: A Complementary Endeavor

While discussing Indian Navy's participation in maritime exercises, it's noteworthy to mention the Malabar 23 exercise hosted by Australia. Conducted in two phases – harbor phase from 11-15 August 2023 and sea phase from 16-21 August 2023 – the Malabar exercise demonstrated the broader scope of India's maritime engagements, showcasing its strategic importance in the region.

Strengthening Bilateral and Multilateral Ties

Apart from 'AUSINDEX,' India and Australia engage in various other exercises that further deepen their bilateral and multilateral relationships:
- Ex Austria Hind: This bilateral exercise between the Indian Army and the Australian Army emphasizes joint training and shared tactics.
- Ex Pitch Black: Australia's renowned multilateral air combat training exercise enables participating nations to enhance their aerial combat skills.
- Malabar Naval Exercise: The Malabar series continues to be a significant platform for the navies of India, Australia, Japan, and the United States to collaborate and strengthen maritime security.
- Quad (Multilateral Naval Exercise): The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue involves India, Australia, Japan, and the United States, collectively addressing regional challenges and maritime security concerns.


Q: What is the 'AUSINDEX-23' maritime exercise?

The 'AUSINDEX-23' maritime exercise is a biennial event that fosters cooperation between the Indian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy, aiming to enhance inter-operability and maritime security operations.

Q: When was the 5th edition of 'AUSINDEX-23' held?

The 5th edition of 'AUSINDEX-23' was held from 22-25 August 2023 in Sydney, Australia.

Q: Which Indian naval vessels participated in the exercise?

INS Sahyadri, INS Kolkata, and the Indian submarine INS Vagir participated in the exercise, showcasing the Indian Navy's commitment to maritime cooperation.

Q: What is the significance of 'AUSINDEX' exercises?

The 'AUSINDEX' exercises provide a crucial platform for both the Indian Navy and the Royal Australian Navy to enhance their inter-operability, exchange best practices, and jointly develop strategies for maritime security operations.

Q: Has India participated in any other maritime exercises with Australia?

Yes, India and Australia engage in various exercises, including the Malabar Naval Exercise, Ex Austria Hind, Ex Pitch Black, and the Quad (Multilateral Naval Exercise), aimed at strengthening bilateral and multilateral ties and addressing regional challenges.

Q: What role does the Indian Navy play in regional maritime security?

The Indian Navy plays a vital role in regional maritime security by actively participating in exercises like 'AUSINDEX,' thereby demonstrating its commitment to inter-operability, maritime cooperation, and security in the Indo-Pacific region.


The Indian Navy's participation in the 5th 'AUSINDEX-23' exercise signifies the unwavering commitment of both India and Australia to collaborate in enhancing maritime security and cooperation. The exercise serves as a testament to the growing capabilities of the Indian Navy and its determination to contribute to the peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific region. As both nations continue to strengthen their maritime partnerships, the 'AUSINDEX' exercises will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of regional security. 


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